Chapter 𝟙𝟛 - Welcome to the Cove and- the 60s?!

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I felt my heart race.

Was I dead? Was I alive?

I didn't know. I just knew I felt cold and my heart was out of control.

Maybe it was the fight or flight instinct going off or maybe I was really dead.

It's crazy to think about how the course of your life could change in a matter of minutes. Is this what I deserved? I couldn't save the two people closest to me...why? After all this time; why did it still hurt?

I was alone with painful thoughts, I didn't hear anything else, then I got the bright idea to scream.

If I wasn't dead, maybe someone would hear me.

So I did scream. I screamed loud but all I heard was a muffled sound.

What the hell was this?

I started to get irate, thrashing my body around. Something was holding me down but, I kept doing it.

"Oh dear- she's awake quick- someone goes get Adrianne! Hurry up!"  I heard a male voice yell and this answered one of my many questions, I now knew I wasn't dead. Good.

Suddenly, I felt something being taken out of my mouth and something being lifted off my face. I had no idea how I didn't notice but all I was concerned about is that I could see again.

I knew why I felt cold, I was supposed surrounded by red liquid- which wasn't thick like blood like I thought it would be but instead it smelled an awful lot like—wine, red wine. Then, I looked straight up to see two faces staring down at me.

One of them was a male, he had red hair and hazel eyes. He seemed younger than I was. On the other hand, there was also a woman who had her long grey hair tied into a neat bun. Her face was wrinkled and worn from age but, she still had this glow about her.

Naturally, I didn't stay calm, I tried to get myself out of whatever this was but, my arms and legs were still tied. I looked at my left hand to see my ring still there, at least I had that.

The woman spoke. "Evan, untie her."

"Oh right- sorry Adrienne." The younger male untied my legs and arms. As soon as I was free, I kicked him square in the nose. He stumbled back holding his more in pain.

"Ow- ow-" The woman chuckled and then spoke to me.

"Easy there, we aren't trying to hurt you."

I stood up and backed away from her. I realized I was in this- pod thing that was filled with this red liquid and I was just in a pair of underwear. At the sight of this, I quickly covered myself.

"Where the hell am I and who are you, people?" I said through clenched teeth.

The woman gestured to the guy- Evan. "Go and drain the tank while I'll explain." He followed her instructions and started to mess with something that was at the side of my tank.

"Now," The woman started. "Christina, you are not dead."

"Okay...what's going on here though?"

"At that base, I rescued you and brought me here. The mixture of saltwater and red wine helped strengthen your powers enough to heal yourself it also— preserved you."

"How did you find me-"

"Biological connection. Certainly, the S.S.R didn't unlock all your secrets but, it allows for certain people like you and me to find others and understand certain let's say— connections better. Plus we've kept an eye on you."

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