Chapter 𝟚𝟛 - Back To Work

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Everything had come full circle.

There I was, standing with Mileena with a robe now in front of the giant door leading to the chamber. The girl looked at me and gulped before gripping the jeweled handles and quietly pushing the door open.

Mileena let me enter first before peeking out of the door to make sure nobody followed us before closing it. I looked around the room, my mother's casket was still on a pedestal. Some of the people that I saw taking care of the chamber before were still there, some weren't and some were new faces. None of them spoke to us, they just looked in our direction and then continued to carry out their tasks.

I watched as Mileena walked up to a woman with the same platinum blonde hair as she had and kneeled next to her. I walked to her side.

"Mom? There's someone here for you. She needs to talk to you." The woman stopped doing her tasks for a moment and stared up at her daughter than me. She then turned back to her work.

"Mom...please." Milenna pleaded with her. The woman didn't budge.

I sighed and came down to the woman's level. "Please, just tell me anything you can. I may not know...much about being a Bloodborne but what I do know is that I must protect the vessels. That's all I want to do."

The woman stopped once again, she slowly turned around and leaned into my ear—whispering.

"Six—Eight—Nine—Six—Four—Zero. He is the one that got out." Her voice was frail and shaky like she feared someone hearing her or like she was in pain. Then quickly, Mileena's mother gazed around the room before going back to work. Mileena frowned.

"What did she tell you?" She asked.

Quietly I spoke, "It was a bunch of numbers. She also said he is the one that got out."

Mileena rose an eyebrow in confusion. "Numbers? What could those mean? Must lead to a person."

I nodded. "I've seen a few things like this in the field. It could be a person of interest she's talking about."

"So, it could be like an...address or code?"

I mumbled, now looking at my mother's casket. "Something like that..."

Mileena seemingly followed my gaze, she laid a hand my shoulder. "You should go." I bite the inside of my cheek as I walked up to the open casket.

There was my mother, still wearing the diadem on her head, looking like she was peacefully asleep. It was odd, I barely. knew this woman yet she was supposedly such a great person, a person I never got to meet, talk to, or share all the moments mothers and daughters are supposed to share. All I could feel upon looking at her was feeling like I got robbed. Robbed of what could've been.

All that time I had spent looking at my mother, I noticed a few things. Her face used to look full and round, making her almost look not dead, was now sunken in, the area around her eyes was dark. Her fingers looked boney. It had also looked like a few hairs were out of place. This was as odd and I wondered, how did her appearance change like this? I peered at the diadem again, remembering the power that it had to keep my mother looking like this, could it be that it's effects were wearing off?

With my decision to save that question for later, I turned around and walked to Mileena once again.

"We should get out of here," I told her, we wouldn't want anyone to catch us in here.

She nodded before leading me out of the chamber, slowly closing the door behind us. As we walked to my room, she spoke.

"...When my mother came back, they never told us why she had to stay in that room. We all had to just accept it—why should I have to accept that?"

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