Chapter 𝟛𝟙 - Everything Goes Wrong...Again

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A park, at night, was the place where Henry had arranged for me to meet him. Violet was there and so were a few agents she said that she'd bring. I didn't know for sure as they were mostly out of sight.

I sat on a cold park bench and fixed a hair clip that I had embedded into my hair once I went to my locker.

It was another one of the smaller weapons I had hidden on my person because any meeting with Violet or Henry was a risk that I had to prepare for. I knew stuff like my guns would be found easily but my knifes and other tools that Howard had gifted me would take some time to find, some were virtually invisible. I also carried the little box that Tony had given me the one that projected the image of him. I had it for good luck and was sure nobody could find it, maybe it would come in handy later.

The jacket I wore covered my holsters and kept me warm as the wind started to blow. New York's weather was just as strange as it was in the 40s. Soon enough, through my earpiece, I heard Violet's voice.

"He's arrived. Act natural."

A familiar man sat down next to me on the bench. Henry, who I hadn't seen in ten years. He looked handsome but it was clear that he's aged well.

"I never expected to see you again Christina." He spoke with his usual suave attitude like me disappearing for ten years didn't bother him.

"I know and I'm sorry that I left like that. I didn't mean to hurt you." Guilt that I had built up set in on me but would soon vanish.

"I've gotten over that but, I accept your apology."

"Thank you." I decided to change the subject to a more recent issue. "Now, you know I have to ask what your role is in shield's data leak."

"Damn Christina, straight to the point. I know you are good at this but I have a few conditions if you want information from me."

"And what is that Henry?"

He smirked. "Just a simple ten-minute conversation you know, to catch up. Reminisce on old times?"

I sighed, he was known to play tricks like this but I knew that if I didn't comply—Henry would make this harder than needed to be.

"Alright, alright fine. Have you...found anyone else?"

His eyes sparkled. "Oh, yes!" He tilted his head. "I don't mean to hurt your feelings my dear, Christina."

"You aren't. Can't expect you to not have someone after all this time."

He raised his left hand which had a gold band placed on one of his fingers. "I am engaged. Though, I don't know if she could be a better wife than you would've made."

I was taken back by his statement about his fiancee, I mean if she was here right now—she'd probably be pissed. And I was just about to respond when I heard Violet's voice again.

"We're taking him in, Tina hold him."

By holding Henry, Violet wanted me to keep him in the park till her backup came so, I reached into my jacket and drew one of my guns that rested in the holster. Henry slowly put his hands up being unphased.

"I'm taking you in."

"What a shame, we were getting along so well."

I decided to ask him a question that had been circling in my head. "What information were you even looking for Henry?"

That was when he put on a smug smile, his face could only be read as him being—excited. Excited about being taken into custody? Definitely not, something else was going on here and my thoughts were confirmed by his next statement.

"We needed to know more about where you keep disappearing to Tina, and we're going to get it."

"What the hell—" Then, I saw many men dressed in black suits, they came from all corners of the park. They didn't look like they were here for Henry; in a knick of time, I grabbed my second gun and pointed it at the men. As a last resort, I tried to contact Violet but there was only silence.

Of course, she was in on this.

In return, the men started to pull their weapons but I shot at them first then I ducked behind the bench. I saw Henry out of the corner of my eye walking unscathed as the men reloaded.

I ignored it however and shot back until all my clips ran out. A few of the men tried to sneak up on me but I used the empty guns to pistol-whip a few, knocking them out.

One of my attackers ripped the weapons out of my hands and tried to hold me down. I fought back with everything I had until I decided to try and drain him. My only mistake was that I didn't do it sooner because, just as I put my hands on his face—I felt a sharp jab to my right side. I held my side and started to feel woozy. Damn it.

Two men yanked me and braced me so I could stand up. They held my hands behind my back. The sedative that they used was so powerful that I couldn't even try to get out of their grip.

Soon I saw Henry standing in front of me and then, came a very pissed-off Violet with a gun in her hand. Though my sight was blurry and I felt tired, I knew I could fight to stay awake long enough to here them.

"What was that about?! You gave the ring to me not her."

"Technically, I would've given it to her first."

Violet stood closer to him. "Are you trying to piss me off even further? Maybe I should make myself a widow, huh?"

"Violet, it was taking too long, and besides, I love to see you riled up." He lifted her chin. "It makes you look all the more attractive." He leaned in to kiss her which she accepted. If I wasn't so out of my mind back then, I would've drained the both of them for not only betraying shield and myself but—also subjecting me to that sight.

Sadly, that was the last thing I saw before blacking out. These two weren't in this for shield, they were in it for information about me.

And now I realized, maybe it had been like that since the 60s, since Las Vegas. Violet might've been playing dumb the whole time about everything, about the man who attacked me but, the real mystery was who these two were working for and what they wanted to know.

Whatever it was they wanted, I knew for sure I wasn't going to give it to them.

And by the end of it, they better hope someone will be there to save them both.

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