Chapter 𝟛𝟛 - Grand Escape

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In June, Howard, had taken me to have a night out.

Even though it was summer, the night was still cold as his house was by the water and if it wasn't for the shawl I wore, I'd be freezing.

At the time, I was backed up because of my work at the SSR. I would never complain though, my job was important, and since I knew I was doing a good service to many people it kept me going. However, my work was the main reason Howard had to practically pull me away from the lab and files just so I could take a break.

I guess you could say that we leveled each other out.

After dinner, Mr. Jarvis had driven us back like he did most times and of course, I thanked him. I knew it was his job but, admittedly I was impressed with how long he could put up with Howard—he was more loyal than some SSR agents I had seen.

Once he drove away to park the car Howard took my hand and walked in tow with me. He was leading me somewhere and I wasn't sure what he was trying to do.

"Howard...where are we going?"

"You'll see in due time, Tina." I gave him the side eye. "I promise you'll like it."

I sighed at his persistence but, played along with his antics. As long as it wasn't dangerous (as a lot of his ideas were), I could withstand whatever he had in store.

Howard guided me to an area that looked like a...hangar? The building had a glass roof and wide doors that he pushed open. I had always known that Howard was an avid aviator and someone who enjoyed airplanes though, I wondered why he was showing them to me now.

Once he opened the doors, I was beholden to the sight of magnificent planes of all varieties. The colors that were plastered on the planes looked like candy, each coat had no imperfections; you could tell that Howard took great pride in his planes. There wasn't even a speck of dirt on them.

As I looked at each plane with awe, I questioned him. "What are we doing here?"

He smiled. "We're, my dear Tina, about to fly!" I immediately looked at him.


"Yes fly and, you get to choose the plane."

This was a hard choice as many of the planes looked amazing and I was heavily intrigued by flying them but, this was one model I was fascinated with the most—it was a smaller, sleek, red plane and Howard had noticed that I spent a while peering at it and so, he took my hand again and helped me into the plane then, he climbed up himself.

Howard rolled up his sleeves and started to turn on the controls then, he steered the plane out of the hangar. Before I knew it, Howard was flying us over New York, near the Statue of Liberty and it was nice, then he convinced me to get in the pilot's seat and fly the damn thing. If it wasn't for that charisma of his, I'd never do it but, I did have a few tricks up my sleeve and, I wasn't a stranger to people who possess the ability to sweet talk as Bucky did it to me all the time, usually to get something he wanted.

Sometimes, it was hard to believe I was friends with him but, Steve and I never stopped loving him at all.

"I'm not too sure of this Howard..." I said as I looked down at the water underneath the plane. Both hands were on the control wheel.

"You'll be alright just keep your hands on the—" He was cut off by an alarm that he probably implemented into the plane.

Howard and I quickly diverted our attention to the bright red light that came from the control panel. He silently cursed himself.

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