Chapter 𝟝𝟡 - Still In My Head

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This just in through S.H.I.E.L.D radio chatter, Captain America is now an enemy of the agency. Yeah, I never liked that Alexander Pierce anyway.

While I was at the Cove, Steve discovered that he seriously couldn't trust anyone at S.H.I.E.L.D and now he had nobody to turn to except me and a couple of our other friends.

"So, did you figure out why the...Winter Soilder killed Fury?"

"Not yet but we will soon, Nat has a lead. Where are you?"

"I have something else to handle first." I inhaled, rocking back and forth on my heels. I should tell him about what's going, that HYDRA is back but where I was at wasn't the most secure place for that. "Steve, take care of yourself while I'm not there alright? Nat too."

"Of course, wh-what's wrong?"

"Look, I don't wanna lie but I have something Fury needed me to do, he told me before he passed. Steve when you and Nat find what you're looking for, I have to warn you, you aren't going to like what you see."


"Agent Harding?"

"I gotta go, bye." I flatten out my skirt as I turned to face the current 'head' of S.H.I.E.L.D. Alexander Pierce. "Secretary Pierce" hanging up the wall phone.

"Agent Harding." He shook my hand. "A pleasure, to work besides you. My condolences, I know you and Steve were very close."

"We were, it's a shame that he could turn his back on the agency like this."

Ugh. I didn't like this, talking about Steve like he was some sort of traitor but Fury had told me the best way to get to Project Insight was through the council and Pierce and it had looked like Pierce had started to trust me. Step one was done now to step two, getting into that meeting with the council.

He observed the outfit I was wearing, a blue, very 40's style of a skirt and a top. Something I would've worn during my SSR days. Unsuspecting is key after all.

"Very professional attire Agent Harding, I'm sure the council would approve."

"And it would be my honor to speak with the council."

"Save it, I'm sure they're more honored to speak with you, even more so that you've chose the agency over Captain Rogers." He looked at his wristwatch. "Now, let us get a move on shall we?"

He held the glass door open for me then he walked into the meeting room where council members gradually appeared as projections. The 21st century had no bounds when it came to technology.

The council wasted no time with introductions and admittedly, I zoned out for the boring parts of the conversation they had gotten to talking about Fury.

"Nick Fury was murdered in cold blood." Pierce stated. "To any reasonable person, that would make him a martyr, not a traitor."

"You know what makes him a traitor?" Rockwell started. "Hiring a mercenary to hijack his own ship."

Singh chimed in. "Nick Fury used your friendship to coerce this Council into delaying Project Insight. A project he knew would expose his own illegal operations. At best, he lied to you. At worst..."

Alexander sighed. "Are you calling for my resignation? I've got a pen and paper right here."

"That discussion can be tabled for a later time"

"But you do want to have a discussion?"

"We've already had it, Mr. Secretary. This Council moves to immediately reactivate Project Insight. If you want to say something snappy now would be a good time.'

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