Chapter 𝟜𝟠 - Right To The Action

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I never thought the feeling of coldness surrounding me could be so comforting yet make me so paranoid.

The coldness was familiar, familiarity is comfort. But the coldness meant waking up to a changed world yet again. Though in my opinion, I was handling the world changing from the forties pretty well, I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared as hell about it.

This would be the time I'd be living the rest of my days in, there would be no going forward anymore which was a good and bad thing.

I always hoped for the best when it was time to leave the Cove.

I heard the sound of the cover being removed from the rest of the pod, and my eyes slowly opened to bright light and two people who people standing over me. My vision gradually went from blurry to clear. I started to sit up in the pod in my red wine and saltwater-soaked garments.

My head was killing me.

"Careful, get up too fast and you'll get vertigo." I turned to the owner of the voice to see—Adrienne, she only looked slightly older considering it had been twenty-three years. Next to her was Mileena now an older woman also with faded blonde hair and a complete set of wrinkles. That was a vast difference from the Mileena I knew just what felt like a few minutes ago.

"Adrienne? Is that you?" I was still disoriented as she helped me out of the pod and gave me a towel to dry off.

"Yes, I'm sorry that I haven't had the chance to come and see you."

"That's alright, I know you weren't trying to ignore weren't trying to ignore me right?"

She laughed as she lead me out of the pod room to a bedroom, Mileena followed with a tray in her hands. "No, just had plenty to take of, and in these last few years, I've been handling some things for you."

"Aw, you shouldn't have."

"Well, it was mainly Mileena."

"Hi, Mileena." She responded with a wave.

"Anyway, we have your living arrangements in order, a stocked fridge and closet. A nice car that I think is up your alley. Mileena helped pick the clothing, we also have some special info to give you from a soon-to-be co-worker of yours. And for current events, I was recently married. Her name is Edith, she's wonderful. When you come to visit you have to meet her."

I smiled at her. "That's amazing, just tell me when and I'll be there."

"I expected so. Anyway, this information is urgent and is something you're going to want to hear."

I stood by the bed while Mileena placed the tray on the bedside table. "I can't see it now?"

"You need to get dressed then we talk business. I'll be out in the hall."

Adrienne walked out and Mileena headed towards the closet as she spoke. "Take the Tylenol on the nightstand, it'll help." I did what she said and drink the cup of water she brought.

"How's life been for twenty years?"

"Not too much, Evan moved on with his life, still in contact. My mom still going, that's good."

"Glad to hear it but, what about you Mileena?"

She sighed while picking out a few things. "Failed love life, met a good guy but then he couldn't understand the whole Vessel thing."

I frowned, she didn't deserve that. "Sorry to hear."

"Thanks, but I can say life is looking up a bit. Focused on me and now I'm seeing another one of the Vessels."

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