chapter 1

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When Hank was a detective he meet a woman at a bar and she was drinking alone so he walked over to her

H: Excuse me miss is this scet taken

S: No

H: Do you mind if i sit her

S: Not at all

Hank sit and got his self a drink

H: I'm hank what's your name

S: I'm Sandra nice to meet you

H: It's nice to meet you too Sandra

They both sat and talked and got to know each other better and the both end the night in bed together

H: That was amazing

S: Yeah but i have to go

H: were are you going

S: I have to go home I'm son is leaving for medical school this evening

H: I didn't know you have a kid

S: I guess it never came up what about you do you have any kids

H: No What do you do for a living

S: I'm a stay at home mom

H: Oh sp your married

S: Yea but my husband is a cheater and haven't been home in over a year

H: I'm sorry you got cheated on

S: It does bother me plus i just slept with you so what do you do hank

H: I'm a detective

S: That's nice

H: Yea i love my job

S: I can see that

H: Okay take my card and give me a call if you wanna hang out or something

S: Okay

Sandra got up and put back on her clothes and left and hank got up and get ready of work

Month later
Sandra have been throwing up and she didn't know what it was so then she decided to go to the doctors and the doctors told her she was a month pregnant and she went home and cry because she haven't called Hank or anything so she doesn't know if he has a girlfriend or a wife so she decided to keep the baby and don't tell Hank about it

8 months later
Sandra give birth to a beautiful baby boy and named him Jay Alexander Halstead she raised her son by her slfe and when he turned 4 She got sick and that's when she found out she had cancer and her doctors told her she only had a couple weeks left so she decided to call hank

The phone call

H: Hank voight

S: Hey hank it's Sandra

H: Hey how have you been

S: Not so good could you maybe meet me at the bar we first meet i have something to tell you

H: Sure what time

S: Maybe in the next hour

H: I will be there

S: Thank you

H: No problem


Hank left work and drove to the bar and when he got there she was sitting at a table waiting for him

H: Hey Sandra it's been 4 years

S: Yeah i know

H: So what's up

S: Hank please don't get mad

H: Okay just tell me

S: A month after our on night stand i found out i was pregnant

H: Why didn't you tell me

S: Cause i didn't know if you wanted a chlid or not plus i didn't know if you were married or not so i keep the baby and it was a boy and i named him Jay Alexander Halstead

H: I have a son

S: Yeah I'm sorry i keep him away from you

H: That was 4 years ago so he's got to be 4 years old

S: Yes he is and he's been asking about his dad but that's not why i asked you here

H: Then what is it

S: Hank i have cancer and i only have a couple weeks left so you have to take him he is your son

H: Yes i will but you have to introduce me to him first

S: I will , how have you life been

H: Good I'm a Sargent now and have my own unit

S: That's amazing

H: Yeah what about you and your other son

S: Well he's a doctor at Chicago med but he doesn't know he have a brother

H: Why not

S: Cause i didn't want him to know that i cheated on his father all dow he's cheated on me so many times

H: Okay

S: I will give you my address and you can come by tomorrow after work to meet your son

H: Okay i will be there

S: Good

To be continued.........❤

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