Chapter 27

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W:  how do you know my mom

H: I'm the guys she had an affair with and Jays her son and your brother

W: What

H: Yea

W: So that's why you become friends with me

C: Will i didn't know that Jay was your brother until recently

H: It's my fault

W: How old were you when mom died

J: 4

W: So you guys were the ones who came to visit her and the I ones with her when she died

J: Yes and I'm sorry you lost you mom

W: Thanks but she was your too and you needed her more than me and it's nice to finally meet my brother

J: You too he said as he walked over to will ,I'm Jay Halstead Nice to meet you

W: I'm William Halstead but everybody calles me will and it nice to meet you to , I know we just meet but can i get a hug

J: Sure

Jay and will hugged for a long time then pulled away

W: I really did look for you Jay

J: I believe you and I'm glad i came to meet you cause at first i thought you'll haet me cause i kinda broke up your mom and dad marriage

W: That was broken long before you were bron and i will never hate you and you look so much like mom and you have her blue eyes

J: What's up with the red hair

W: I wish i could tell you but nobody in the family has red hair I'm the only one

J: That must have been hard

W: You have no idea but girls love it

W,J: 🤣🤣🤣🤣

W: Your cool

JU: He's a nerd

E: Come on let him get you a snack

JU: Okay he said as he took Erin's hand and they left

W: So Hank what was your relationship with my mom

H: It was a one night thing and she never called until Jay was 4 and you could say we sent alot of times together before she died but

W: She was really happy whenever i came to visit her and she really loved you even tho she wouldn't tell me your name and my dad over hurd she telling me about you and he lost it and they got into this big fight and mom almost died that dad so i band him from seeing her but im glad she had you

H: Do you still talk to your dad

W: Yea he's should be here soin for a check up

H: What's wrong with him

W: everything sometimes i wish i had a different dad he was so good when i was little but when i left and came back he was a different guys

C: Guilt and regret can make a person mean and bitter

W: I guess so , Hank what do you do

H: I'm a Sargent at the 21 district

W: With Trudy platt

H: Yea

W: Shes bossy

H: Yea always been

W: How old are you Jay

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