Chapter 40

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They went to and did nothing because today was the last day of school so their were just talking

V: I can't wait for our sleep over

E: We see when we get our reports

V: I really hope i pass all of my classes

KE: Me too

J: I can't believe that after summer we started or last year of school

A:I know and you 4 are sticking together

KE: You should come with us your dad is a cop and you should fall in his footsteps that would make him proud

A: I have thought about it but i just can't make up my mind

J: You will have all of us with you but it has to be something you really want for you to make , we are all doing police explorers with Sargent platt this summer why don't you come for a day and if you don't like it you don't have to come back

A: Okay

KE: Your gonna like it

J: Yea

KE: Puls woman find cops active

A: True

V: I'm the only woman to find you activ gt it

KE: Yes

V: Good so Erin didn't Jay sleep in your bed last night

E: Yes and your im not telling you anything else

V: That's no but when i call you later you better answer or im coming over

E: You can come over cause were playing games this evening with Justin

KE: What kind of game

E: All the games you boys normally play

KE: Can i come

E: Yea you all can

V: We can leave then playing games and you can give me details

E: Find

A: Babe you play

K: Yes

A: Then why are you so quiet

K: I'm worried about my grades cause if i don't most of my classes my parents won't let us hang out as much and i might have to go summer school

A: What

J: You're gonna do find

K: I don't know jay i don't study like you everyday

J: I used to study very day until i meet Erin and to be honest we haven't really study in a mouth

EB: Really

J: yea we're teenage after all

A: Yea but your all so nards

E: That dosent me we can't have fun

A: What's fun for you guys

E: Well we ran around the house last night shooting at each other and justin with Nerf guns

KE: You got Nerf guns

E: Yea

KE: I'm differently coming over

A: Me too

V: Kim you coming

K: Yea

E: Did you call your grandma

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