Chapter 47

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The next  moring  they all woke up cuddling with one another

V: this is now how my fantasy w ent

E: I know right 

J: Good morning beautiful he said kissing her cheeks 

E: Good morning handsome

A: Are you guys always like that

E: Yes she said getting out of bed  then went  in the bathroom room and Ksy got up and followed her and they brushed their teeth together then went  back into the bedroom

V,: You  guys are acting like Your married

E: maybe we are

J: you never know he said as they walked out 

K: Their to young to get married right

V: Yes plus Erin  won't  get married without telling me she said getting out  of bed  and went into the bathroom room and saw Jays  toiletries  and went back out , I think  they might have  moved in together 

KE: What

V: There's two of everything

K: lets ho ask she said  as she got out of bed  and the rest  followed

With  Erin  and Jay they went and checked con justin  but didn't  see him so they  went downstairs  and still  didn't  say him  do Jay went home  and saw justin  in the kitchen eating

H: Good morning son

J: Good morning  he said and walked  out

H: Jay 

J: Yes 

H: This  has  gone on long enough 

J: I don't know what you talked about 

H: Don't play stupid with me 

J: Dad your family is completed  just  how your wife  and her mother wants  it and if you want me you know  where to find me he said before  he left 

JU: Will  everything  be normal again

H: I don't think so

JU: This is non of my business  but I think you should  level Jay alone cause  he did what  grandma wanted mom to do and he's happy with Erin 

C: But he needs to come home

JU: This is not home for him right now

C: What are you talking about

JU: I know you and grandma apologize but it still hurts  he doesn't have a mother anymore

C: Yes he does

JU,: Your not his mother

C: Yes I am

JU: You made him regret seeing you as a mother

C: How do you know that

JU: I overheard him and Erin talking

C: Hank

H: I'll make a call  he said  as he walked out  and came back 15 minutes later

C: Who did you call

H: This's  grandmother

C: Why

H: He will listen to her

C: What makes you think so

H: Jay love her to peices  and he would do anything to make her happy plus  she gives him the motherly love  his mother us to give him and her hugs feel the same  and her cookies are the best

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2023 ⏰

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