Chapter 41

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They pulled up to diner and they all got out

JU: Bacon burger here i come

J: I know what you mean bro he said taking Erins hand as they ran to the diner and went in

H: They are so happy

C: Yea even if jay still hate me

H: He doesn't hate you

C: Yes he does he doesn't even look at me for two minutes and i bet you he will stay with Erin again

H: When i was his age i spent alot of time with my ex and we had a lot of sleep over and lets she we didn't just sleep

C: Ew

H: You wasn't saying ew last night

C: That because I'm your wife and she was just your girlfriend

H: I know i did alot is shit when i was young and i hope Justin doesn't turn out like me

C: Why would that be a bad thing jays just like you

H: No he's like his mom just following in my foot steps

C: Why don't you talk about his mom

H: Because i feel guilty for what she went though when i could have helped her

C: You couldn't help her with cancer babe

H: That's not what i mean but i should have called her after that night i should have done something to find her i was a damn detective and i let the woman i love slip thoug my fingers by the time she called it was to late and I'm keep her promises she loved Jay more than a mom loves their child , she called him her miracle baby but any ways let's go

C: You always do that

H: What

C: You tell me a little bit then stop

H: The kids are waiting on us and its hard to talk about her okay she's the first woman i ever really loved and she will always hold a place in my heart and I don't want you to get jealous that's why i only tell Jay about her when he as

C: I'm not gonna get jealous pi f a dead woman

H: She might have passed away but that doesn't make me love her any less  he says as they walked into the diner and saw the kids talking and laugh at the table they picked , That's what i like to see he said sitting

JU: What took you guys so long

C: Ask your father

Both Justin and Jay looked at hank

H: Nothing important so what are you doing this summer Justin

JU: Can i go to our school camp

H: Who's going that you want to go

JU: Olive

J: 🤣🤣

JU: You already have your girlfriend let me get myself one

H: Your not aloud to date until your 16 sorry buddy

JU: Man

C: It's not that far away but you can still be friends with her

JU: Okay

C: When do you guys start police explorers

E: Next week Monday we got a week for ourself 

JU: Yea i can make you guys miserable

J: No you won't

JU: Yes i will and Erin loves hanging out with me

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