Chapter 42

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Erin woke up in the middle of the and put blankets over the rest then went up to her room and and was about to go back to sleep when Jay got into bed with her and pulled her into his chest

E: Babe

J: Hmm

E: I thought you was sleeping

J: I was but i missed you in my arms

E:Aww you missed me

J: Shh and go back to sleep

E: Okay she said cuddling into his chest and they both went back to sleep

The next morning

Camille got up and woke up hank

C: Were is Erin and Jay

H: Check Erin's room

C: Where is her room

H: Somewhere upstairs

C: Come with me

H: Your not gonna get loss

C: This house is big

H: I know

C: What is she gonna do with two house

H: I don't know but its her choice

C: I know she said as the got up and went upstairs and to Erin's room to find her and Jay cuddled up sleeping , That looks uncomfortable but cute

H: Yes he said as he took out his phone and took a picture

C: Why did you do that

H: To send it to his grandmother

C: How long have you been sending her pictures

H: Years since he moved in with me it makes her happy

C: How come i have never meet her

H: You never did

C: No

H: Oh

C: Why do i feel like your keeping something from me we're his mother and her family is concerned

H: What me and his mother is over i married you didn't i

C: Was it over because you guys broke up or because she died

H: I'm not getting into this with you again he said before he went back downstairs

C: That's because you still feel something for her

H: She's gonna and she isn't coming back so drop it before Jay over Hear something he shouldn't like last time

C: That's because your keeping things from me she said following him

H: I keep things i do a secret to protect you and the kids and i will not tell you about his mother it's his choice not mine I'm just doing what's best for my son

C: Justin is your son too

H: I know that and i don't treat them any different

C: Yes you do

H: No i don't

C: Yes you

H: I'm not gonna do this with you right now

C: Just admit you love Jay more

H: He's my first son

C: Yea and also an outside one

H: Just because he isnt your son doesn't make him and outside child and he was their before you and you was never questioning me about his mother until your mom came to visit

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