Chapter 39

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After Jay and the rest left Erin went upstairs na change into her PJ then went down and into the kitchen to get a glass of milk and some cookies when she hured the font door unlocked and open

J: Babe I'm back

E: I'm in the kitchen she said and He walked in couple minutes later

J: Cutie PJs

E: Thanks so how did it go with Camille and her mom

J: Well he said sitting , She apologized for everything mean and dad please she had said to me over the year's

E: That's good what about Camille

J: I didn't really talk to her

E: Babe

J: I know but i just can't right now

E: Okay but just don't shut her out for to long

J: I wouldn't be saying taking a bite of her cookie

E: Hey

J: Sharing is caring

E: Not was food she said wild pouting

J: Your cute when your angry he said kissing her pouting lips making her smile

E: So what do you wanna do

J: Oh shoot i forgot i had to help Justin with a project

E: Go get him and we can all do it together

J: Really

E: Yes you know i love justin like a little brother

J: Yes now you have one of your own

E: Don't remind me, what does he have to do

J: The water cycle

E: That's easy go get him and I'll get some snacks and juice's ready

J: Thanks babe he said as he kissed her, Your the best he said before he walked out leaving Erin with a big smile on her face as he went and got the snacks and

At the house

C: Your just gonna let him go

H: Yes he need's his space plus he's old enough

C: Okay Justin go get ready for bed sweetheart

JU: Okay he said as he got up and went upstairs

C: It's gonna take a while for things to go back to normal isn't it

H: Yes

C: How was Erin today

H: Well she and her mom argued alot  I think she talked to her brother after came back the guys love her writing and i found out today Jay wrote some too

C: really

H: Yes and their gonna make great detective when the time comes

C: I guess so but I'm really sorry for considering kicking Jay out

H: Just so we're clear I'm taking his side over your cause he's my son and i won't let anybody cause him any more pain not even you

C: I know, that's what makes you an amazing father

H: Thanks he say when Jay walked in, missed me all ready

J: No i forgot i had to help Justin with something , Justin

JU: I knew you wouldn't forget her said coming down stairs with his things in his hand

J: I kinda did so Erin's gonna help so you can get to bed early

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