Chapter 22

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They next morning

Jay woke up early went and showered then got ready and went down stairs to see his father sitting in the kitchen with a cup of coffee

J: Good morning

H: Good morning ,isn't it a bit to ealy for you to be up

J: Yea but i need to talk to you

H: Is everything okay

J: Yea he said as he sit next to him

H: What's up

J: I think i saw my brother yesterday when i went with Erin to see her daddy the man has the same bule eye as mine here tall and has reddish hair

H: That's him , did he say anything to you

J: No he just looked at me then walked pass

H: I'm guessing your ready now to meet him

J: Yea he seem like a nice guy

H: When do you wanna meet him

J: when ever your free

H: Okay

C: Good morning she said as she walked into the kitchen

H: Good morning babe he said as he kissed her

J: eww that's gross

H: But it's okay when you and Erin do it

J: Yea

C: Sweetheart why are you up so early

J: I needed to talk to dad

C: Is everything okay

J: Yea i saw my brother yesterday when i was with Erin

C: Oh Did you talk to him

J: No

C: He's really nice Sweetheart and i think you'll like him

J: How do you know that

C: Where friends now after i found out he was your brother I thought I should get to know him a little, I think you should meet him

H: How come you never told me about your friendship with his brother

C: Cause i didn't think i needed your promison to be friends with my son's brother

H: You don't need my promison i just would have like to know

C: Maybe you would have if you at less came  home for dinner

H: Have been busy with work but I'll take a break come home have dinner with you guys then go back to work

C: That'll work

H: Good

J: So Just like thats he's forgiven

C: Yep

J: You guys make marriage like boring

H: That's not true

J: Dad when was the last time you took mom out on a date or something

H: Our anniversary last year

J: See

C: He kinda have a point we don't fun things like we used too

H: That's because we don't really have time for it

C: No you don't have time for it wanna go out and have fun Jay's old enough to babysit Justin and Erin can help him 

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