Chapter 38

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Hank and Jay walked out and walked home

J: Dad i don't think i can do this

H: Yes you can plus if Erin can stand up to her mom you can do the same to the witch

J: Okay

H: Good  he said as they both went in and took off their shoes and went in to the living room

C: What took you two so long

H: Nothing important

CA: Hey hank Jay

H: Hello Cassandr

J: Hello

CA: How have you guys been

J,H: Good

CA: Camille was telling me how good your doing in school and that you have a girlfriend

J: I do

CA: What is she like

J: She's like me so you would probably find her boring too get said and hank pinch him and smiles when Jay looked up at him

CA: I wouldn't know until i meet her

J: Well I'll invite her over the next time you come over cause today isn't a good day for her

CA: Why not she only lives a couple houses down and weren't you guys just over their

J: Yes but like i said it isn't a good day for her

CA: Is she sick , did you get  her pregnant, she got in trouble or something

J: No she's not sick or in trouble and of course No......

CA: Oh so she is pregnant

H: She's not and don't cut off my son when he's talking

C: Babe

H: No it's rude to cut someone on off when their talking

J: May i bet excuse

C: You just got here why don't you go play Justin's new game with him

JU: I actually wanna go over by Erin so we can all play

C: Maybe later your grandmother came over to spend time with you boys , Hank could you help me on the kitchen

H: Sure he said before he looked at Jay then walked out

Jay sit down and took out his phone

JU: Jay

J: Yea

JU: Can you help me with a project that i forgot to do 2 weeks ago

J: 2 weeks

JU: I forgot

J: What is it about

JU: I'm supposed to do a cart of the water cycle

J: Okay we do it later tonight so you won't get in trouble

JU: Your the best

J: i know he said as they high five

JU: I'm still your favorite brother right

J: I don't have a favorite brother really

CA: You have another brother

J: Yes am older one

CA: Just great , Sweetheart can you go get me a glass a water please

JU: Sure grandma he said as he got up and went into the kitchen

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