Chapter 33

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Today is the day Erin and Jay are going to the movies with their friends,after and right now their are i their home room at school

AR: We on for today right

EB: Yea

V: Erin

E: We aren't talking at that

V: Why not

E: Cause you have really bad time

V: No i forget to ask you guys something yesterday

J: What is it

V: If you guys can take me to the district

J: Really

V: Yes i wanna see if it's as scary as people say

E: The only part that's scary downstairs were all they bad people is but other than that it's good the cops are nice  especially Jay's dad unit  you'll love them

KA: I wanna go to

J: We can go before the movie

V: Yea I'll likea that you two come on

K,AR: Yea

J: Well all good he said looking down at Erin write in her note book and smiled

K: What movie are we watching

V: Something romance since we're all  couples

AR: Okay

KA: Sometimes their sad

V: No this one is a teen romance 

KA: Okay

AR: What are you two writing about

E,J: Nothing they said as they continued  to write

V: Love laters

E,J: No 

They continue to write and the guys continue to talk until the bell ring and they left getting on the bus to the district and good off

J: You guys ready

EB: Yes

They walked into the district and over to the front desk

J: Hey  Trudy

T: Hey , Erin is so good to see you again

E: You to and i love your new hairstyle

T: Thanks , Hey kim Adam,Kevin and i don't think we've met she said looking at Vanessa

V: No I'm Vanessa

T: I'm Sargent platt Nice to meet you

V: You too

T: So why are you guys here

E: Vanessa wants a tour and i think your the best person for the job since your the best

T: You know it so come on and the guys upstairs on in the middle of s case

J: Okay

T: So i csn buzz you guys up tgen bring up your friends

J: Thanks he said as him and Erin went up and left the rest

T: follow me she said as Vanessa kevin Adam and kim  Followed her


They are working a mearder case and their were frustrated cause they couldn't find any leads

A: Sarge  the boyfriend checks out

H: So where no where 

J,E: Hey guys

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