Chapter 46

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The kids has all shower and put on their pj and was on the couch watching a movie 

With Camille

She went home made dinner then went upstairs and got ready

H: I'm home

C: Hey babe she said coming down stairs

H: Hey , did Jay come home

C: No they staying over at Erin's tonight so we can be alone

H: Okay

C: I made dinner let's eat

H: Okay

Camille put the food and hank poured the win and they both sit eat and made small talk then when their were done they clean up and went in the living room and sit

H: So why did you do all of that

C: So we can spend time together

H: We do

C: Not as much as we used too

H: That's because of work

C: I wanna know about Jay's mom

H: No

C: Why not

H: Cause you don't need to know about her

C: Why not she's was my sons mother

H: Jay's her son he's every thing of her so if you want to know what she was like look at Jay and you'll see her

C: Even the attitude and anger issues too

H: Jay had ever right to have an attitude  and to be angry with you and your mother

C: So it's okay for him to ignore me

H: Yes you took your mother side over his i know it took time for him to see you as a mother

C: 12 years hank

H: His mom plan out everything he would need before she died

C: What did she do

H: She left  gift's for him up to his 18th birthday and she planted his wedding in the hospital and i remembered that day like if it was yesterday she loved Jay with her whole heart 

C: So you didn't love her

H: I didn't say that

C: So you did love her

H: I didn't say that

C: Why can't you tell me the truth

H: You want the truth

C: Yes

H: Fine i love her she was the first person that i felt like i can be myself around she made me laugh and forgot about all my bad days and i wish i had more time with her their that's the honest truth

C: You don't feel anything like that with me

H: You are nothing like her but you have to understand you can't replace her in my heart

C: Why not

H: Cause she was my wife

C: What

H: I married her the week before she died we both knew we won't have long together but we loved each other and Jay so why not be a family

C: You could have been a family with out marrying her

H: I'm done with this conversation Camille i love you but you need to let sleeping dogs lie

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