chapter 2

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The next Day

Hank got up and went to work thinking about how he's gonna meet his son today they didn't have any cases that day so he sent the unit home early so hank called Sandra and she picked up

S: Hey Hank

H: Hey i got off work early so i was wandering if you mind if i come over now

S: Not at all

H: Okay i will see you soon

S: Okay bye

H: Bye

Hank put down the phone and went and got in his car and drove to her address and 30 minutes later he pulled up at the house and took a couple minutes before he got out and walked up to the door and knocked and waited then Sandra opened the door

S: Hey

H: Hey

S: Come in

Hank walked in and they both went in the living room and sit

S: Hank I'm sorry that i did tell you about him it's just that i was afraid that you didn't want kids or that you were married with a family of your own 

H: It's okay but have been busy with work and I'm not Married or have a family own now i have a son and I'm sorry that your not gonna see your son grow up

S: I know but i have mead peace that I'm gonna die soon and live my kids but will's a man that have a job and everything so he should be good and Jay has you so he's good my husband don't care so I'm okay with it she said as she began to cry

H: It's okay to cry i know it's hard he said as he pulled her into a hug

S: You have no idea my husband heats me cause i had a affair with you and he has affairs and some with my friend he don't look at me or Jay

H: Why did you call me i would have been there for you

S: I just can't anymore hank i need some kind of attention cause my husband don't love me or find me attractive anymore

H: Hey it's okay if he doesn't love you or find you attractive anymore that's his loss cause Sandra your beautiful

S: Really

H: Yes

Sandra looked up at Hank then she moved her hands up to his neck and pulled down his head as she kissed him but Hank pulled away

H: Sandra

S: Hank i need this she said before she kissed him again and he kissed her back then she deepen the kiss they Jay came running out

J: Mommy is daddy here yet

They pulled away and hank looked at the little boy and smiled

S: Yes baby this is hank and he's your father

J: Daddy he said as he ran up to hank

H: Hey buddy your so grown up

J: I'm 4 years old

H: I know

J: I asks mommy for you even day but she said you was busy at work

H: Yes i was but I'm here now

J: Can we go to the park

H: If it's fine with your mom yes

J: Mommy can daddy take me to the Park

S: Sure baby

J: Yes

H: Let's go sandra you wanna come to

S: Yea

They all left with hank in his car and whent to the park hank played with jay little and talked to Sandra then he took them back home and told Jay he would come and see him everyday

2 week's later

Sandra got worst and Jay went to live with hank when she went in the hospital and hank took Jay everyday after work to see her and spend time with her hank got Jay into kindergarten and he's liking it so for he always tell his mom and dad what he did at school then one day hank pick him up

J: Daddy

H: Hey how was school

J: Good are we going to see mommy today

H: No were going to the park this evening

J: Okay

Hank took Jay to the park and they played for a little then Jay got tired so he took him home and give him a bath and put on his PJ and then made dinner for the both of then then they ate and Watch tv until Jay fall asleep on hank then he tuned off the tv and put Jay to bed and tucked him in

H: Good night buddy

J: Good night daddy

Hank kiss the top of his head then close the door

1 weeks later

Hank was at work when the hospital called

To be continued.........❤

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