Chapter 29

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C: Don't worry I'm  planning you guys one too

W: Who said i want to get married

C: Why not

W: I don't wanna turn out like my dad 

C: I get it

W: You two have a lot in common

J: Yea 

JU: The only difference they have is their gender other than that their the same person

E,J: That's not true

JU: Now their talking at the same time

J: You jealous

JU: Of you two no you guys are gonna get like mom and Dad while i have the ladies fighting over me

C: Excuse me

JU: Ammm  nothing mom

EB: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

C: I should have send you to a all boy school

JU: What

C: You won't have any ladies to talk to

JU: That would be unfair

C: No it's not your only aloud to bring one girl in this house and it won't happen until your 16 got it

JU: Yes mom

C: Good

J: See you should have kept your mouth shut

H: Yes you should

C: What are you two telling him

J,H: Nothing

W: You remind me of my mom 

C: Really

W: Yes especially when she found out i have 2 ladies friends

C: I would have thrown a pot spoon at your head

W: She did that and i wasn't fast enough

J: 🤣🤣🤣🤣

N: You deserve it and I'll be keeping an eye on you

W: I was young and got relationship advice from my dad and i was foolish cause for when i was 4 -5 My mom told me she wanted a nice kind and loving daughter In-law and  when i was in new York i told her about my girlfriend then and i told her i was bring her home and she told me if i  love her you would keep her away from you father and i didn't know what she ment by that until i walk in one her and my dad and that's how i found out my dad was cheating on my mom but that was 3 years ago so that meant Mom aready had Jay so where were you

J: Mostly grandma's

W: Grandma knew about you

J: Yea i haven't been to see her for a while now because of school but i spent some of my vacation with her , I love her caramel tuffy cookie there amazing

W:  She used to make them for me when i was younger cause she said only her favorites will get some but I'm not any of her favorites cause i moved you new York and didn't tell and to make it worse i didn't call her in almost a year

J: you differently ink getting any

W: If i take you with me she would make you some

J: Yea the last time i saw her she asked if u had a girlfriend

W: When you tell her no she called you ugly

J: No she ask why is a handsome boy like you single

W: She's nicer to you cause she called me ugly

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