chapter 4

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Old years day

J: Dad

H: Yes

J: Is the babysitter coming tonight

H: Yea I'm going out with some friends after work

J: Okay but will you be home before bedtime

H: I don't know buddy

J: Okay he said with. Sad face

Jay went up to his room and got ready for daycare so he packed his bag the looked at a picture of his mom that was on the side table before he sit down on his bed

J: Mom i miss you so much and wish you were still here he said with tears in his eyes

J: I'm trying to be a big boy and stay strong but i don't know what to do dads always work i barely see him  anymore and i feel all alone he said as he walked over to his bed nd lay do and cry while looking at the pic of his mom

H: Jay

He didn't get a answer so he went up stairs and in to his room to find in laying down

H: Buddy what's wrong

J: nothing

H: Don't lie to me

J: It's not like you care

H: Yes i do jay i care about you so what's wrong

J: I miss my mom cause she spent all of her time with me and loved me i just want her back

H: I know you miss her and me to but youe mom Wouldn't want you to be sad and i love you son

J: when i first came to live with you Spend time with me took me to the park and played with me and watch cartoons now you don't care your always at work and I'm stuck with a babysitter and it makes me feel like your to busy for me

H: I'm sorry i have been so busy with work I'll try to do better and spent more time with you I promise

J: Okay he said as he got up and wiped his face and looked up at his father Then hugged him

H: I love you son

J: I love you too daddy

H: Come on lets go and how would you like it if i pick you up for daycare and take you were ever you want before i go out with friends tonight

J: Yea can we go for a walk along the lake

H: Sure now lets go

J: okay

Jay got his bag nd then went down stairs and hank took up the keys and jays lunch bag and they both went though the door and hank stap jay in and they they drove to his daycare and he parked and took him out and his bags

H: Have fun to say kiddo

J: I will and be careful daddy

H: I will

Hank hugged him and kissed his forehead before he ran to the teacher and they waved bye to hank ad he waved back then got in his jeep and drove off the work

6 hours later

Hanked finished work and was on his way to pick up Jay and went he pulled him he was already waiting from her so he got out and Jay ran to him

J: Daddy

H: Hey kiddo how was your day

J: Good

H: You ready to go

J: Yes

They both got in and they both and drove to the lack and they both got out and jay held hanks hand as they walked along the lake and talked until it was time for 2 hours then the got back in the jeep and went home jay went to his room and hank to his and started to get ready and called the babysitter and she came

H: Jay i will try to be back before bed time

J: Okay

H: Be good ,i love you kiddo

J: Love you to daddy

Hank kissed his forehead and then left and jay and the babysitter watched cartoons and eat popcorn until it was bedtime and Hank was back to the sitter put him to bed and then went back down stairs

With hank

He arrived at molly and went in and had a couple drinks with his unit and then a woman walked up to him when he was at the bar

C: Hey

H: Hey

C: I'm Camille

H: I'm hank and it's nice to meet you

C: You too hank do what do you do

H: I'm a cpd Sargent and what do you do

C: I'm a doctor 

H: That's nice

C: Yes

They continued to talked and got to know each other better as nd then exchange number and then he looked down at his phone

H: Damn

C: Is something wrong

H: I told my son i would try to make it home before bedtime

C: You have a son

H: Yea

C: Are you still with his mom

H: She passed away a couple weeks ago

C: I'm so sorry

H: it's okay i meet her here four years ago

C: Oh

H: Yea they got to know each other

C: Your a really nice person hank

H: You too

C: I would love to meet you son

H: Yea

Gm: It's 11:59 , 1,2,3 happy new year

H: Happy new year Camille

C: Happy new year hank

they stay a little while and then they went home

To be continued.....❤

Happy new year wishing you all the best for 2022 🎆🎇✨

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