Chapter 5

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12 years later

Jay is now sixteen Hank and Camille got married and they had a son name Justin and he's 10 years old

In the morning

Jay got up and get ready for school then went downstairs to get breakfast and walked in the kitchen

C: Good morning sweetheart

J: Good morning

C: You ready for school

J: Yea

C: Okay here your breakfast she said as she put his plate in front of him

J: Thank we're dad

C: He left for work already the had a case

J: Oh

Justin then walked in and sit next to Jay

JU: Morning mom bro

J: Morning bro

C: Morning sweetheart you look tired

JU: Yea i couldn't sleep last night

C: Why

JU: I watched scary Video last night


C: Jay stop laughing at your brother baby why did you watch it if you knew you would have nightmares

JU: I don't know

J: I'm gonna walked to school

C: Okay can you walked Justin too

J: Yea I'm gonna get my bag and phone while he finishes

C: Okay thanks sweetheart

Jay smiled and went back upstairs and got his phone and bag

C: Hurry up sweetheart so Jay can walked you to school

JU: Okay mom

Justin finished his breakfast and went up stairs and got his bag and phone then ran down stairs to see Jay and his mom at the door

JU: Bye mom

C: Bye sweetheart have a nice day at school

JU: i will be said as he hugged his mom

C: Jay you to big to give me a hug now

J: No she said as he hugged her

C: Have a great day at school too

J: I will do i have to walked Justin home to or you gonna picked him up

C: I'll text you to let you now cause i have to go to work

J: Okay

They both left and began to walked to Justin's school

JU: Jay

J: Yes

JU: Why you don't call my mom mom

J: That's because she isn't my mom

JU: What happened to your mom Jay

J: She die when i was 4 and thats when i came to live with dad

JU: I'm sorry that you mom died Jay

J: It's okay

Justin hugged Jay and Jay hugged him back

JU: Do you have any other Siblings

J: No your the only one

JU: Yea that means you love me

J: Of course i do your my little brother

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