chapter 45

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They played  for a while  and the girl's  came back  down  when their was a next  knock  on the door and Erin  hoped  the door  and was about  to close  it when she sawed  who it was

E: What do you want

B: my son

E: I'm not letting him go with you for you to hit him again

B: I was upset okay

E: I don't care but the only way he's leaving here is with his father

B: Teddy

TE: Mom he said as he came to the door

B: Hey baby

TE: Where's dad

B: At work still you ready to go

TE: No he's coming to get me  after work

B: I'm really sorry baby

E: Go back with Justin and the rest and play

TE: Okay he said before he ran off

E: Goodbye

B: Can we talk

E: No

B: please

V: She said no

B: Who are you

V: Her best friend

B: Oh I'm her mom

V: I know

B: So she talkes about me

KE: No he said as he walked past to go in the kitchen

B: Who that

V: My boyfriend

B: Why do you have so much people Here

E: Their my friends plus this is my house so I can have anybody I want over

C: What's going on

E: Bunny is here

C: what is she doing her she said coming out of the kitchen

B: I came to get my son

C: So you can put your hands on him again I don't think so

B: why don't you stay out of my business

C: It became my business when you put your hand one that little boy and he's not going anywhere with you

B: She's really the kind of mother figure you want in your life

E: Yes you was a horrible mother now your hit your son became you where high or to show off in front your stupid friends

B: Their not stupid and he was out of line

E: He's a kid

B: He's rude like you

E: If I'm rude take this she said shouting the door in her face

B: Your gonna pay for that bitch

E: Hank has a jail cell with your name on it she said before she walked away

C: You good

E: Yea

J: Can I brow her

C: Yea she said before she went back in the kitchen

E: come with me she said as she pulled him up the stairs and into her room and closed the door and drop down on her bed  , why are you so cold to her she's still your mom

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