Chapter 20

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The bell just ring for lunch time so Erin and Jay pack up there book and looked at each other and smiled when the guys walked up to each other

K: Why are you guys so happy

J: No reason

A: You sure

E: Yea

KE: We have never seen you guys kiss until this morning

J: You weren't supposed to see that he said as he took up his bag

E: See you guys in the cafeteria she said as she picked up her bag and Walked out the class room

J: What's with the question guys

V: Not it's just that you guys look closer

J: Yesterday did he said before he walked out of the class room

K: What the hell happened yesterday

A: They had sex

KE: That's not it

They all walked out and went to their lockers

With Erin

She opened her locker and put in her then took out the next class one when Jay walked up before her

E: Babe i know your behind me

J: How did you know

E: I can smell you and i felt you breathing on my neck she says as she turned around

J: So why did you walk out and leave

E: Cause I know they have more questions I'm not ready to talk about what happened yesterday but we can tell them how you was a big baby sitting on my lap getting Rock

J: No thats our thing nobody can know

E: What will happen if tell them

J: I won't read books or kiss you anymore

E: Your so mean to me 😔

J: No am not he said as he looked down the hall way to see if anybody was coming before he lean in and kissed kissed her then pulled away

E: You know we shouldn't be kissing in school

J: I know but there's nobody around

E: I know now come on let's go get your book for next class she said as she turned around and close her locker then took Jay's hand

J: Okay he Said as the both sarted to walked to Jay's locker then stoped whe they as their friends making out , Do you guy mind

They just Continue to make out so Hard went into his locker put down his books then took out next last ones then walked back over to Erin nd they both went into the cafeteria got there lunch then went up to the library

E: Babe are you okay she asked before they start eat

J: Yea I'm fine so are looking forward to going and  see you dad

E: Yea i haven't been to see him in awhile

J: Why not

E: Cause everytime i go and talk to him it makes me cry

J: I know what you mean cause I'm the same way with my mom

E: Well i guess we can cry together

J: How romantic

E,J: 😁😁

J: Your amazing babe

E: You to big baby

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