chapter 8

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Friday morning

Jay got up and got ready for school and eat breakfast then him and Erin walked Justin to school and now its just the two of them walking

J: We still on for tomorrow

E: Of course I'm looking forward to the tour around the district and our walke

J: Me too he said as he took her hand in his

They walked to school just smiling at each out then let go there hands when they saw the rest t the geat waitting

J: Good Morning guys

E: Good morning

K,KE,A: Good morning

They all walked in together then got there book and went to the first was social studies and that class was 2 hours

Mr.Thompson: Good morning class

EB: Good morning sir

Mr.Thompson: Today there we're like at the 3 R , Reduce, Reuse, Recycle So trun to page 89 and read the note them I'm gonna have you close your book and tell me what's the meaning of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

EB: Okay

Everyone read the note then a hour later it was time to close the books

Mr.Thompson: Okay close your book

Everybody closed there books

Mr.Thompson: Okay can someone tell m what is Reduce if you know the answer rais your hand

Both Erin and Jay raised there hands

Mr.Thompson: Okay Erin

E: Reduce mean to cut back on the amount of trash we generate.

Mr.Thompson: that's correct Jay Reuse

J: Reuse mean to find new way to use things that would have been throwen out

Mr.Thompson: correct you Adam recycle

A: I don't know sir

Mr.Thompson: Kim

K: I don't know either

Mr.Thompson: Kevin

KE: Recycle mean to trun something old and useless into something new and useful

Mr.Thompson: Correct they rest of you read over that note

They readed over the note the then bell ring

Mr.Thompson: Okay class is dismissed

Erin and Jay got up and took up there book and the rest walked up to them Then they all walked to there locker and put down there books

A: Book nerds

J: At least we weren't distracted in last

A: What are you talking about

E: You and kim playing handsy unter the table before you guys pay attention and read the note

K: You saw that

E,KE,J: Yes they said as they walked into the canteen and hot there lunch then sit down

K: What are you guys doing tomorrow

KE: I got a date with Vanessa

J: We're going to work with my dad

A: Why

E: He's giving me a tour around the district and Jay gonna come to keep me company what about you guys

K: he's taking me out

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