chapter 7

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Jay was woken up by his alarm going off and he rolled over and turned it off and layed they thinking of his conversation with Erin yesterday and smiled then got his phone and texted her

J: Good morning

E: Good morning

J: Are you still  walking to school with us

E: Yea I'm gonna get ready and met you out side your door

J: Okay 😊

E: 😄


Jay looked at the picture of his mom and smiled then got up and picked out his out fix for the day then went and shower and brushed his teeth and went back in his room and got ready the brush his hair and packed his back and put his phone in his pocket then went down stairs and put down his back on the couch then went into the kitchen to find his dad and Camille talking

J: Good morning

C: Good morning sweetheart

H: Good morning son

J: Don't you have work dad

H: Yea but we don't have a cases yet

J: Oh

C: Here you go She said as she hand him his breakfast

J: Thank you

H: So you like Erin

J: Yes

H: As a friend or more

C: Hank

H: What i wanna know

J: Both she amazing

H: you gonna ask her out

J: Maybe

H: Do it's too late

J: i will

Then Justin walked into the kitchen

JU: Good morning mom Dad nd bro

J: Good morning

C: Good morning Sweetheart

H: Good morning son

JU: Dad don't you have work

H: I don't have a case yet but what's work with my sons aren't you happy to see me on a morning

J: It's just were acustm to not seeing you on a morning so is weird that your home

JU: I'm happy to see you dad

J: yea me to

H: That's More like it

C: Here baby eat

JU: Thanks

Justin started to eat as Jay so he got up and washed his plate then he got a text and took his phone out of his pocket and it was Erin sending him a slefie asking him if he liked her hairstyle and he said

J: yea i love it 😍

E: I'm leaving now 😘

J: Okay see you soon


H: What are you smiling at

J: Nothing

Camille got up and stood next to Jay

C: Awwe that cute

J: Yea

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