Chapter 14

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It was the weekend
Jay had told his mom that's Erin got into it with her mom earlier this week so they planned a day of fun for her they were all up dressed and eating breakfast

H: I'm sorry I'm gonna miss today

J: We'll come by the district later to see you and the guys

H: I remember when we had to do this for you and I'm glad your doing this for Erin , I'm proud of you son

J: Thanks dad,  I'm gonna go get Erin and come back

C: Okay sweetheart

Jay left

JU: I want a girlfriend too

H: Your to young but when you get Jay's age then you can have one

JU: Man

C: Sweetheart When your older your gonna fall in love with a beautiful girl

JU: Jay's in love with Erin

H: I gotta go , see you guys later

C: Bye babe she said as she kissed him

JU: Bye dad

H: bye he said basically he left

JU: Mom

C: Yes sweetheart

JU: Is Jay in love with Erin or not

C: Yes he loves her

JU: She's makes him really happy

C: Yea

With Erin

She got up showed then got out dryed off put on her underwear bar and jeans then do her hair and just as she finished her hair the was a knocked on the door and she took up her shirt and ran down and open door and saw Jay making her cover her chest up with her shirt

J: Good morning

E: Good morning , what are you doing here

J: I came to talk to you

E: Okay come in she said as she stepped aside and Jay walked in and closed the door

J: Why did you answer the door with out a shirt

E: I was getting ready when you knocked she said as she put on her shirt  as Jay watched her , Jay what do you wanna talk about ,Jay

J: Yea

E: What do you wanna talk about she said with a smile

J: Well i planed a day of fun for you since you were upset with your mom

E: Why would you do that

J: When i was younger and i would miss my mom my dad and mom would take me out and have fun To cheer me up cause i was really sad and i still miss my mom just not as bad as i used to when i was younger , i cried myself to sleep most night cause i wanted my mom back Camille would tell me how my mom loves me and is watching over me and the fun day really helped me so i thought it'll help you too

Erin walked up to jay and kissed him then pulled away

E: Thank you for doing this for me

J: I'll do anything for babe he said with his arm's wrapped around her waist

E: I have the best boyfriend ever

J: Yes you do babe

E: So where are we goning

J: It's a surprise

E: I don't like surprises

J: Well your gonna like this one

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