Chapter 28

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P: Fine but he's the reason your mother isn't here anymore

W: What are you talking about

P: Your mom had a completed pregnancy

W: How did you find out

P: Helen told me and when he was 4 your mom got diagnosis with cancer and she kept it to herself

W: Then how did you find out about it

P: A letter your mom left at the house before she was brought to the hospital

W: Then how did she get to the hospital and how did you get Jay

H: Your mom called me and we met up and she told me that she had cancer and about Jay so every day after work and when and see her and Jay we would walk to the park and i was the one who brought her here cause she was really weak and i took Jay

W: See hank did more that you and you was her husband that lived in
House with her 

Jay closed his eyes and held his head

E: Babe you Okay she asked and Jay just shake his head yes before he said

J: He moved out he said as he got a flash back

W: What are you talking about Jay

J: They used to fight a lot making mom cry he would throw glasses at her and a lot of things and before he left He pushed her when she tried to stop him from leaving and she fell on a piece of broken glass and it stick in her arms a lot of small pieces and I'll left scars on her left arm he says as he opened his eyes and breath out

E: Did you just have a flash back she said as she rub his back as he breath

J: Yea

C: You okay sweetheart

J: Yes mom

W: You throw glasses at my mother and put pushed her

P: He dosent know what your talking about

J: The pictures i have Of her you can see the scars on her arm

W: I can't believe you would do something like that to mom

P: How did you get pictures of her

J: She's my mother

P: So

W: Dad just got i can't look at you any more right now

P: Fine he said a he left

W: Is their anything else you remember

J: Not really but I'll let you know if i remember anything

W: Okay

They all talked a first a little bit then they left to go home so Camille and get dinner started sitting they went to the super market and they all got out

JU: I wanna push the cart

C: Okay go get one

Justin ran off to get one and came back

J: Do we all need to be here

C: Yes I'm gonna send you guys for stuff

J: Man

H: I feel your pain son

C: That's why your paying

H: What

C: You hured me now come on she said as she began to walk 

E: let's go babe she said as she pulled his hand

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