Chapter 44

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The cookies were dobe and they took them out to cool when Camille and Justin walked in

JU: Erin,Jay we're back

V: Hey Justin Mrs voigth

JU: Hey Vanessa

C: Hey i told you call me Camille

V: I forgot she said

C: Where's the rest

V: Living room and Erin's in the kitchen making icing for the cookies

JU: You guys made cookies

V: Yea

E: Guys the icing is ready

KE,J: Coming they said as they walked out of the living room

J: You guys are back

JU: Yep and your having fun without me

J: You went shopping with out me

JU: You wanted to stay and cuddle with erin like a baby

J:Just like you

JU: I'm not a baby

C: Boys

JU: That's way mom is taking to olive party tomorrow not you

J: That's great cause i wouldn't be home so have fun her said walking into the kitchen

JU: Where you going

J: Out for the weekend and when i get back you'll be heading off to camp

JU: Jay he said going after him

KE: Hey Camille

C: Hey Kevin how are you

KE: Good

C: Are you guys excited for the police explorers

KE, V: Yea

C: We'll Trudy can be a bit mean and hard but she means will do don't get frustrated when you can't get something don't cause it's gonna be a good learning experience for your future

KE,V: Yea

C: Let's go help Erin with those two

V: Are they always like that

C: Yep that's their thing She said as the walked into the kitchen to find Jay and justin sitting , You guys done know

JU: Erin said if we keep arguing she won't give us any cookies and we want cookies

C: Okay Jay how long or you stay withyour grandmother

J: The hole weekend but it would have been longer if i didn't have expores with Trudy

C: Okay

E: Let's get starter so i can win

V: No you won't

J: I'm the best at this cause i used to do this all the time with my mom and grandma

KE: Me too but i always ended eating the cookies because it took to long to lce them

EB: 🤣🤣🤣🤣

KE: I got hungry

E: Well you better don't this time , Ready

EB: Yea

E: Go she said as they all got started

V: kev whar is that she asked look at his cookie

KE: A stick me and you

E,J: 🤣🤣

JU: I did a football

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