Chapter 25

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Erin and Jay was excited to find out how well they did on they essay so Erin went over to Jay they all ate breakfast hank went off to work and Camille took them to school after she drop off Justin

C: Have a great day at school and don't forget you guys are babysitting tonight

J: We won't mom he said before kissing his mom's cheek them got out

E: Have a great day at work

C: Thanks , My kiss now

Erin lean forward and kissed Camille cheek then got out and closed the door be they both waved at her before she drove off

J: Yesterday brought you guys closer i see

E: Yes

K: Your kissing his mom's cheek now

E: Good morning guy's

EB: Good morning

K: You gonna answer me now

E: Yea we had girls evening and we talked , got our nails done  then went shopping  it was some much fun

V: That's amazing let me see your nails

Erin held out her hands and showed Vanessa

K: I love them

V: Me too wait is that Jay initials

E: Yea

K: That's so romantic

E: I know

A: Why you never put my initials on your nails

K: Cause i never thought of it

J: Aww you guys are jealous

E: Stop teasing them , Hey Vanessa can i talk to you real quick

V: Yea

They both walked over to the tree

V: What's up

E: I talked to Camille and she said to come see her after school

V: Thank you she said as she hugged her

E: No problem just glad i could help

V: You did more that help your an amazing friend

E: Yea i guess she said as they walked back over to the rest

KE: What did you guys talk about

V: social stuide

KE: Okay

They all went in and got their books for  mathematics then went to class

The class was about hour long and they had an mathematics equations to slove

The class was about hour long and they had an mathematics equations to slove

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