Chapter 3

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1 weeks later

Hank was at work when the hospital called him and tell him that Sandra is getting worse and to come and say his goodbye so hank put al in charge of the unit then he went and picked up jay from school then they both went to the hospital

H: Hey

S: Hey, my baby

J: Mommy

S: Baby i need you to be brave for me i love you so much , she took off her wedding ring ,here take this

J: But it's your ring

S: I know but i want you to have when you grow up and you find the right girl to love and you love her just as much i want you to marry her and be happy and i know your gonna be a incredible man the way i rise you and your father will continue to rise you baby I'm gonna miss you so much just know I'll be watching over you from above

J: I don't want you to go mommy

S: Me either but I'm not gonna get any better I'm always gonna be with you , come here

Jay walked up to her bed and climb up as she healed him in her arms for the last she smiled down at him and kissed his forehead then looked at hank

S: Please Take care of my baby boy for me

H: I will

S: I know we never got our chance to be together but i love you hank

H: I love you too Sandra

Hank lean down and kiss her on the lips then pulled away as she smiled

S: Bye baby bye hank

J: Mommy no i don't want you to go and leave me please stay

S: I wish i could just remember i love you Jay and I'm proud of you she kisses his forehead one more time before she took her last breath

Jay cried as he watched his mom died in front of him , he was still cuddled into her said as he cryed hank had tears in his eyes as he watched his son cry

H: Jay we gotta go

J: I don't wanna leave her

H: I know but she's gone

Jay kept crying so hank lift him up and carried in to the car and took him home jay cryed his self to sleep

They next couple days was her faunarl hank and Jay went and said there final good bey then they went home cause it was hard day for the both of them especially Jay cause he lost his mom

2 Weeks later

J: Dad

H: Yes

J: Christmas is coming up

H: Yea i know It's Saturday

J: Can we get a tree and decorations

H: Yea we can go now if you go and get ready

J: Okay

Jay ran up stairs and got ready and couple minutes later he was done and they both left and went to a tree lot and they picked out one then there went to target to get decorations and light then they went back home and began to decorate it then hank lift up Jay so he can put the star on top then put him down so hen plug in the light

J: You ready

H: Yes

He plugged it in and it light up very pretty

J: Dad i miss mom

H: I know i miss her to but she's watching over us from up above

J: I know

Jay hugged his legs cause he's short so hank bean down and picked him up as the both looking at the tree there just did

H: I'm hungry you

J: Yea


J: Yea mom mead me them all the time

H: Okay let's make you one

J: Yea

They both went in the kitchen and made the BLT sandwich and Wendy there finished they both sit on the couch watching cartoons for a while then hank looked down at Jay to fined him sleeping on his lap so he creafully got up and took him to his room and lay him down on his bed before cover him

H: Good night son sweet dreams

Hank kisses his forehead and then turn on his night light and then left and went to bed

The next morning Jay got up and Run down stairs

J: Good morning dad its Christmas Eve

H: I know and you seams Really happy

J: I love Christmas

H: I can see since i don't have to work again today how about we go shopping

J: Yes

They both got ready then they left and went down town and got what they need hank got some toys and then for Jay and Jay got little post card and keyring then they went and get lunch

J: Can we go on a walk near the leak

H: Why

J: I just like it

H: Okay sure

They both finish there food hank payed and tgy both got in the jeep and hank drove to the leak and they got out walked Around for a couple more minutes before they went back home and hank wrapped the gifts and Jay did the same but he kept it up in his room and hank made dinner there eat shower and put on pajamas Then went to bed

Christmas day

Jay got up early and ran to his fathers room and opened the door then climbed up on the bed

J: Dad wake up it's Christmas

H: I'm up merry Christmas buddy

J: Merry Christmas dad

H: You want some pancakes for breakfast

J: Yes

H: Okay

They both our of bed and went into the kitchen and made pancakes then sit and it and Jay finish the hank

J: Can we open the gifts now

H: Yeah

J: Okay I'll be back

Jay ran upstairs and got hanks gift and then went back down stairs and hand it to him

H: What is this

J: Some thing for you

Hank opened the card and it said

Merry Christmas dad thank you for taking care of me and i love you so much

H: Aww this is so sweet thank you then he say the keyring that says Best dad in the world , thanks buddy

J: Your welcome

Jay sit down on the ground and open all his gift witch was a lot of toys

J: Thanks dad for the new toys

H: Your welcome

Hank played with jay a little before he got up and started to cook and they eat and played some watched tv they had a fun day

To be continued.....❤

Merry Christmas 🎄 everyone hope you have a wonderful day

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