Chapter 12

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JU: Can i sit down next to you Erin

E: Sure

J: But i wanna sit next to you too

E: will sit in the middle so you can both sit next to me

JU,J: Okay

They both sit next to Erin and put on a movie and half way though the movies justin fell asleep on Erin's shoulder

J: He's out like a light

E: Yea you wanna finish the movie

J: Yes but I'm kinda jealous that my little brother is using my girlfriend as a pillow

E: Lay down and rest your head on my lap

J: Okay

Jay layed down and put his head on Erin's lap as she ran her hands though his hair

E: You don't have nothing to be jealous of he's your little brother and he likes me

J: I know he said looking up at her

E: Your really handsome and those blue eyes

J: I know there comes in hande for something

E: 🤣🤣

Jay reach up and moved Erin's hair out of her face and Smiled

J: Your so beautiful he said making her smile

E: We're supposed to be watching the movie not each other

J: I know but your so much better to watch

E: Yea i know what you mean she said running her hand though his hair

J: If i take out your hair clip will you get upset like last time

E: I wasn't upset i was just playing around with you but if you wanna take it out go for it

J: Really

E: Yea i trust you with it

Jay sit up and took out her hair clip then pulled back her hair into a low ponytail and the put back i her hair clip to hold her hair back and then looked at her and smiled then kissed her and she kissed him back and Jay brought his hand to the her cheek as he deepen the kisses and Erin opened her mouth for him as they made out and there tongues fight each other and there hured the door unlocked and they pulled away and Jay lay back down with his head on her lap and erin ran her hand though his hair as Camille walked in

C: Good evening

J,E: Good evening

C: awe you guys are so cute together

J: All 3 of us

C: Yea how long has he been asleep

J: Half an hour

C: Okay she said as she walked over to Justin and sake him , baby wake up

JU: Mommy your home he said at he got up

C: Yea she said as she lift him up and he put his head on her shoulder, I'll be back

J: Okay he said as she went Upstairs with Justin in her arms , Now i have you all to myself

E: Yes you do

Jay got up and sit down next to her and warpped his arm around her shoulder and she cuddled into his side and he kissed her forehead making her smile and as that went back to watching the movie

Couple minutes later

Camille Walker back down stairs and sit down on the couch opposite them

C: So how was school

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