chapter 15

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At the district

They all walked

E: Hey Trudy she said as she walked up to the front desk

T: Hey Erin she said as she looked up and saw the rest ,hey guys

C,J,JU: Hey

T: What are you guys doing here

C: We came to see hank

T: Oh i thought you guys came to see me 😔

E: I did

T: really

E: Yea

J: She likes you she even tell kim Adam and Kevin how nice you are

T: See Jay she's the best friend you ever brought her and have

JU: Friend's

C: Come on justin let's go upstairs

JU: I don't want to

C: I'll buy you ice cream later

JU: Okay ZB

They both went upstairs and left Erin and Jay

T: So Jay you finally got yourself Qr girlfriend

J: Yes

T: I knew you guys couldn't say friend for long, I'm happy for you guys

E,J: Thanks

T: Now get upstairs before Justin tell the whole unit

J: Okay

They said bye to trudy and then walked up the stairs

E: You ready to tell the rest

J: There gonna be like Trudy and I'm more than ready cause i have an amazing, intelligencet and beautiful girlfriend he said as they walked up the stairs

E: Your pretty amazing to babe

J,E: 😊


Camille and Justin Walked upstairs

C,JU: Hey guys

EB: Hey Guys

A: Justin how's school going

JU: Good

SJ: The same kid that heat school and doing homework

JU: Not anymore

A: What change

JU: My friend made homework fun and going to school

JW: Oh You have a girlfriend

JU: No

SM: So who this friend

H: Hey babe

C: Hey

H: Hey kid

JU: Yea dad

H: Where's Erin and Jay

C: Down stairs with trudy

H: Oh how was the fun day

C: Good I have never seen teenagers so excited to see penguins before

Al: Jay likes penguins

C: Yea him and Erin

JW: Hey guys

J,E: Hey

A: Jay how's it good

J: Good how's dad treating you

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