Chapter 34

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Jay woke up early got ready and then went down for breakfast

J: Good morning mom and Dad

C: Good morning sweetheart

H: Good morning son

J: So how was the paperwork Dad

H: Not funny

J: Yea it is

C: What are you to whispering about

J,H: Nothing

C: Don't lie

J: It's nothing mom just making fun of dad

C: I know your still lying

H: They came to the district yesterday after school

C: You said you guys were going to the movies

J: We did but Vanessa wanted a tour so we went

H: What happened between Erin and kim

J: You should ask her not me and how do you know something happened

H: Trudy came upstairs after you guys left talking about how she's missing high school drama

J: I should have known she would talk

C: What happened

J: Kim has it in her head that Erin changed me cause i don't talk to them as much or hangout with them and she might have brought it Erin's dad and if i didn't hold back Erin kim might have ended up in the hospital

H: What did she say about Erin's dad

J: That her dad left her and if she was her dad she would have left to cause she wouldn't want a daughter like Erin and how she's still hoping he'll come back for her and Erin just had this I'm gonna kill you look in her eyes

C: I would have too if someone talked about my dad like that and don't know anything about him

H: How did it start

J: Trudy call Kim a stick up princess and Erin laugh and kim just jump on Erin's case cause she's jealous that Erin and Vanessa are always together and leaves her out

C: Why do they leave her out

J: Cause she's attached to her sex buddy like glue

JU: Who has a sex buddy and good morning

C: Good morning sweetheart

H: Good morning son

J: Good morning bro

JU: So who has a sex buddy

J: Nobody

JU: Then who's attach you their sex buddy like glue

J: If i tell you will you shut up

JU: Yes

J: Kim

JU: Oh your ugly friend

C: Was Erin okay

J: Yea she's kinda nervous about today but yea

H: Bring back some cookies for me

J: Okay

C: Sometimes i know you love his grandmother more than my mother

H: I gotta go and our I'll be late ,I love you all the day as he finished his breakfast and kisses Camille and smiled At Jay and Justin

C: You always leave when i bring up my mom

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