Chapter 6

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C: Tell Erin how you feel before it's too late

J: I will

C: Good so when are you gonna see her again

J: Hopefully in the morning we're walking to school together

C: Okay

JU: Mom is jay back (he yelled as he came down the stairs

C: Yea and stop yelling

Justin walked in the kitchen

JU: So bro you wanna watch a movie 

C: Did you do your homework

JU: No

C: Homework first then Tv

J: 🤣🤣🤣🤣

C: You too Jay

J: I don't have any homework

C: Okay then read a book

JU: Good now you can't watch tv without me

J: I wasn't going too come on let's go up stairs 

JU: I don't wanna do my homework

C: Justin Voight homework now

JU: Fine

J: Hey I'll help you if you want

JU: Really

J: Yea

JU: Your the best brother ever

J: Oh i know  

Justin ran out of the kitchen and up stairs then Jay picked up his school bag then went in the fridge and took out a juice

C: Sweetheart

J: Yea

C: Do you wanna maybe invite Erin and her parents over for dinner sometime

J: Erin's does really have parents

C: What do you mean

J: Okay he said as he sits back down and looked at his hands

C: Jay

J: Her dad died when she was four just like my mom

C: Aww sweetheart your mom loves you   and she's always in your heart she said as she hugged him

J: I know

C: What about her mom

J: She said she doesn't care what she do

C: Why

J: I don't know she never told me why

C: You both lost a parent at then age of 4 and I'm so sorry cause no child so your should have to go through what you both did

J: I know but when she told me that i was like finally i have a friend that understands me and been thought the same thing that i did

C: Yea and you always have me and you dad so be there for Erin cause she has nobody

J: I will and thank you for loving me like your own son

C: That's because you are my son as much as Justin

J: Yea and Erin said your really nice i think she likes you

C: will i like her too now go before Justin call's you

JU: Jay hurry up

J: I'm coming

C: 😂

Jay ran upstairs nd put his bag in his room before going to Justin

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