Chapter 11

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Justin continued to tell Erin about his weekend until they got to his school

JU: Bye guys

E: Bye , have a great day

JU: I will

J: See you after school bro

Justin high five Jay and then ran into school and they continue to walked and they hands found each other

J: How do you think the guys dates went

E: Good but not as good as ours

J: 🤣 yea our was fun

E: Yea

J: cute hairstyle and what happened to my morning selfie

E: Thanks , you saw my bed hair and morning face so i thought you wouldn't want a slefie

J: I'm always gonna want my morning slefie

E: Okay she said as she took her phone out of her back pocket and unlocked it and put on camera

J: What are you doing

E: Taking your morning slefie so smile

Jay smiled as Erin took the slefie of the both of them and showed him

E: You like it

J: love it

E: Good ,so were about to be at school

J: Yea so can we stop for a minute

E: Why

J: So i can hug you

E: That's all Jay she said ad she stop walking and face him

J: Maybe he said as he pulled her closer to him and wrapped his arms around her waist, you know you can pull away

E: I know but i like where this is going she said looking up at him

J: Really

E: Yea she said as she wapped her arms around his neck

They both looked at each other before they lean in and kissed each other then pulled away  and smiled 

J: Is that better than a hug

E: Way better, now lets go

J: Okay

They both pulled away and walked up to theres school and saw the rest sanding there along with Vanessa

E: I think Kevin and Vanessa date went well

J: Yea

A,K,KE,V: Good morning

E,J: Good morning

E: so I'm guessing your dates went well 

KE: Yea thanks Erin

V: Yea thanks Erin

E: I'm just gald i can help

J: So Adam and kim how did it go

K: Great we had alot of fun

A: Yea and thanks guys

K: Thanks so Erin how was thet tour of the district

E: Amazing  everyone was so nice

K: Really

E: Yea

A: You went to the same district we did

J: Yes Adam my dad was impressed she knows alot

K: That's good

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