Chapter 9

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AD: who's her mom

H: We'll her mom is bunny

EB: WHAT!!!!!

H: Keep your voices down

Al: Why are you letting them hung out hank

AD: Sarge her mothers a drug addict

H: Cause she's not like her mother and she told us on the day we met her and we trust her

JW: Why

H: She's a intelligence girl she doesn't have a father or a real mother she's been on her own sense she was 4 so don't judge her

MS: She does seem really nice

SG: Yeah

H: Get to know her little better and you would love her and for a bunch of detective your not good cause there holding hand underneath the teddy bears

A: How do you know that

H: You can see it , look and how both of there arm's look like there pulling

JW: I see it

EB: Me too

H: Good now do your paperwork

EB: Yes sarge

They all went back to there desk and got back to work

In the breakroom

Jay and erin looked at each other and smiled

J: Is that smile on your face because of the book or me

E: I don't know tell me what you think

J:Because of me he said making her smile brighter

E: Yea she said as she put down her book and Jay does the same

J: What's that book about

E: Family drama yours

J: Some blood and water

E: What's taking you so long to finish that book

J: Well I've been distracted

E: what's distracting you

J: This girl that i met in class that's get's me she's beautiful ,Nice ,Smart and always have these incredible hairstyles that i love

E: Wow she sounds amazing i would love to meet her some time

J,E: 😂😂😂😂😂

J: I think you already met her

E: Yea you wanna take a slefil together

J: Sure

Erin turner and lean back on to Jay's chest and then took out her phone and took the picture then Jay lean down and kissed her forehead and she took a picture too

E: I like this one better

J: Yea it's cute

E: Are you gonna tell the rest about us

J: Only if you want to

E: I do but not yet

J: I'm fine with that

E: okay, what are your plans for the future

J: I never really thought about but i wanna be a cop then move up to detective buy a house get married have kids and maybe get a dog

E: Why getting a dog is last , cause your gonna get lonely

J: I won't get lonely if you stick around

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