Chapter 10

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The next morning Jay was woken up by a knock on his door

J: Come in

C: Good morning sweetheart did i wake you

J: Good morning , not really he said sitting up in bed

Camille Walked over and sit on his bed

C: So How was your date

J: Amazing we had so much fun 

C: Really

J: Yes  there was a fair at the river walk so we got something to eat and then played a lot of games and went on rides  then Erin played a game and she won this teddy bear and she gave it to me 

C: That's why your sleeping with it

J: She can't know

C: I won't say anything tell me what happened after she give you the teddy bears

J: Well she's wanted the pink one so i played the game and i won the pink one for her and she was so happy then we sit down on a bench by then river and we talk and we talk about our feelings then we kissed

C: You had your first kiss

J: Yea

C: How was it

J: Amazing it was soft and passionate

C: That's how it was supposed to feel so are you guys together now

J: Yea everybody like her even Trudy

C: She's a good girl and she's makes you happy

J: Yes she does

Hank stick his head inside of jays room

H: What are you guys talking about

J: Yesterday

H: Oh I'm gonna make pancakes

C: Okay

Hank walked down stairs

C: My son has a girlfriend friend and had his first kiss

J: Mom

They both looked at each other

C: Did you just call me mom

J: Yea

C: Come here sweetheart she said before they hugged , I love you so much

J: I love you too mom

C: lets go help your dad before he Nasty up the whole kitchen

J: Okay

They both got up and went down stairs and into the kitchen hugging then laugh when they saw flour all over hank and the counter

C,J: 😂😂😂😂😂

H: What are you two laughing at

C: You

J: You know dad the flour is suppos to go in the blow not on you or the Counter

H: I know that son

C: Babe you want some help

H: Yes please

J: I'm gonna go get my phone I'll be right back

C: okay

Jay walked out of the kitchen

H: Why are you so smiley

C: Jay call my mom when we were talking

H: Really

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