chapter 17

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Erin cried after she read the letter her dad left for her and everybody hugged her

C: Your gonna be okay sweetie she said as she rub her back until she settled down

E: Thank you

C: You don't have to thank us that's why we're here for

E: Why couldn't i have a mother like

C: I don't know sweetie but you have me now hank to play those rolls in your life

E: Really

H: Yea puls Your really sweet end you got Justin to like homework and walking , you got Jay to leave the house more often and read less and Camille always tell's me your the daughter she never had and it's fun to have another girl to talk to and how you ask her about work cause the boys find it gross to hare about what she does

JU: It is that she talks about baby's getting cut out and people eyes popping out and all the surgery she did

J: Especially when she talk about a person on a table open up and you call see his or her insides

C: You guys do listen

J: Yes mom but it's still disgusting

JU: And gross

C: Big babies

J: Justin's the big baby not me

H: So your already part of the family so yes but go to Camille with the girly issues cause i have no clue how to deal with any

E: Okay

JU: No Where both big babies

H: Big babies keep quiet or I'll cuff you both yo the chair

J: You can't do that

H: Not right now but when you start to get out of hand especially you Justin

JU: Hey am the baby of the family and i don't give trouble

C,H,J,E: 🤣🤣🤣🤣

JU: What do funny guys

C: You got one thing right baby you are the baby of the family but you do give alot of trouble

JU: No i don't and mom we talk about you calling me baby in front a girl and you don't call Jay that

C: Fine I'll call Jay babe for now on

JU: Yes

J: No I'm older

E: It's kida cute

J: Okay I'm fine with it

C,H: 🤣🤣🤣🤣

C: He's differently your son

H: yep and there little argument cheer up Erin

C: Yea it's good to see your smile sweetie

E: Yea being around you guys makes me happy

JU: Us too and your better than Jay at games

J: That's why I'm not playing with you anymore

JU: I don't care Erin's gonna play with me

J: No she's gonna read with me

JU: No that's boring and your kinda a nerd so how the hell do you have a girlfriend

J: Cause I'm good looking funny sweet kind caring and very intelligent

JU: So am

H: Why did i have kids he said as he took up the folder and walked out of the room

JU: That what do you mean that he said as he got up and ran after him

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