Chapter 35

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Will pulled up and they walked over to him and will and Natalie got out

W: Hey little bro

J: Hey bro he said as they bro hugged and pulled away

W: Erin how are you feeling now

E: Good

N: What happened

E: I tell you about it later

J: Hey Natalie

N: Hey Jay

J: Bro Natalie i want you to meet our friend, That's, Adam, kevin , Vanessa and Kim  and guys this is my older brother will and his girlfriend Natalie

W,N: It's nice to meet you all

KE,A,V,K: You guys too

J: Did my mom really made you deliver a baby

W: No she made her hold to women hand now it hurts

N: You should have been him he cried out everytime the woman pushes and squeez his hand

W: Hey that hurt

KE: What kind of doctor are you guys

W: We're ER doctors

N: But i mostly work with Camille on the maternity ward

E: Baby are so cute

N: Especially the cubby ones

E: Yea

W,J: Their fat babies

N: You guys are the same

W: No we're not

E: Then admit that fat babies are cute

J,W: No

E: You guys are gonna regret not agreeing with us 

J: Oh boy

V: Just so were clear I'm besties

N: I know she talks about you alot

V: Really

N: Yea why don't you guys join us on our next girls day

V: I would love too

K: Yea

A: What did you guys do on girls day

N: Get our nails done something hair go shopping and talk about them she said pointing at will and Jay

V: I'm differently in

N: I see what you mean

E: I knew you would love her

N: Yea she just like Maggie

W: Yea they personality are semailer

V: You mean the head nurse

N: Yea you guys meet

V: Yea she was my nurse when i went to see Camille

W: I hope she was nice

V: Yea

N: Babe it's just you that she's mean too you

W: Maybe i should bring her some grandma cookies them she might like me

J: Grandma isn't gonna make any cookies for you

W: That's why I'm taking you dear brother 

J: I'm gonna tell  her not to give you any

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