Chapter 26

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The next morning

Camille and hank woke up first so they went and checked on the kids and they were still asleep so they went downstairs and got started on breakfast

H: What did they do last night

C: probably played some games what a movie or something

H: Don't you find it weird how Jay and Erin and cuddling each other in their sleep

C: No they do it all the time when their reading

H: Really

C: Yes and their nothing wrong with them cuddling just leave it

H: I don't like how his hand is under her shirt

C: Hank

H: Fine

C: Their good kids so trust them

H: Okay

C: So how are you going to tell will that Jay's his brother

H: His mom left him a letter in his will  and i have Jays so that they'll find each other

C: If will has his why haven't he came looking for Jay

H: I don't know but will find out

C: We still have to tell Justin

JU: Tell me what

C: Good morning sweetheart

JU: Good morning mom and dad

H: Good morning son

JU: So what is it you need to tell me and why is Erin and Jay still asleep and cuddling

C: That's how they fell asleep

JU: So close thats their almost kissing

C: Yea

H: So sit i need to tell you something

JU: Okay

H: Jay has an older brother

JU: What

H: Yes Jay's mom had another son and he doesn't know about Jay so where going to see him today cause he works with your mom and maybe invite him over for dinner so him and Jay can get to know each other

JU: Man i thought i was his self only brother now i gotta share him that's not fair

C: I know sweetheart but you'll still get to spend the most time with him

JU: What if his brother wants him to go live with him

H: That's not gonna happen

JU: You don't know that dad

H: Yes i do cause he's my son and he's not going anywhere

JU: I'm going to talk to Jay

C: He's still sleeping

JU: I don't care he said as he got up

C: No you will wait until he gets up now sit

JU: Fine

H: Justin stop over reacting Jay not going anywhere puls he doesn't know him like that puls they might not even like each other

JU: Come on dad Jay's nice to everyone plus he's gonna wanna get to know is other brother

C: It's all gonna be okay sweetie he said as she hugged him then kissed his forehead

JU: I hope so cause if he goes I'm  keeping Erin

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