Chapter 37

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B: Erin's what are all of them doing her

E: To make sure you move rge hell out

B: I'm leaving but i want you to meet someone she said as a man and a little boy got out of a car , This is my husband Timmy and your brother

E: 🤣🤣 You have a lot of jokes

B: I'm not joking

E: Just get your shit and go

B: Erin are you gonna talk to you brother

E: He's not my brother and your not my mother so hurry the ass up and get your shit out my house your husband and son can help you pack and just do were clear the only things in this house you own or your clothes and stop coming here when I'm at school and going though my books

B: I'm not as bad as you write about in those books

E: No your worst so after today i don't ever wanna see you or hear you name and if you die make sure they call your husband and son cause i wont give a shit

B: You ungrateful bitch

E: You haven't given me shit to be ungrateful and i rather be a bitch that a who're like you she said as bunny slapped her in the faces , You will regret that bunny if i were you I'll watch your back 

B: Is that a treat

E: It's whatever you want it to be cause I'm gonna get rich off your dump ass

B: You can  publish those books

E: I'm not talking about the books you read I'm taking about the ones that can get you life in jail

B: What are you talking about

E: You see when you used to come home durnk and high you talk alot and i listen to you and write about it

T: That's my girl she said high fiving Erin

E: So if any of them have to arrest you again I'll happily give them the information to make sure you go away for good

B: You were never like this

E: You don't know anything about me

B: Yes i do baby

E: I'm not your baby he his  he said as she walked inside

B: Don't walk away from me Erin I'm still your mother and legal guardian

E: You never were both of my legal guardian died

B: That old woman was never your  legal guardian your father did a lot of foolishness

E: Your only saying so cause he didn't leave you anything

B: I should have gotten half of everything he left you

E: He made the right decision cause he know i wouldn't give you a cent

B: You can't touch any of that money until your 18 pull your legal guardian I'd death and all i have to do is become your legal guardian again witch is gonna be easy cause I'm your mother and that money will be my

E: Your trying to out smart me will guess again because i already have a legal guardians so shut up and give pack I'll be back before you finish she says as she took up her house keys and out with Jay and justin behind her

H: You really are the worst

B: I don't wanna here it

H: You married the mad that killed her father i was right all alone you got him to kill her father so you would get money but he has to know what you were up too

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