Chapter 23

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J: You sure your okay

E: Yea i could really use a hug right now

J: Cone here he said as he opened her arms and Erin step into the hug and Jay wrapped his arms around her in a thigh hug

E: What would i do with out you

J: You'll never have to find out

E: Me too

With the guy

They that's stay off and watch at Camille drop of Erin and Jay

A: They always walk

K: Maybe something happened

KE: something is differenly wrong he said as they watch Erin and Jay hug

A: Their just hugging

V: Their don't show affection in public 

K: Let's go find out

They all walked over to Erin and Jay

KE,K,A,V: Good morning

J,E: Good morning they said still hugging

K: Is everything okay

E,J: Yea they said pulling away for their hug

KE: You guys sure

J: Yes did you guys have fun yesterday

A: What are you talking about

E: We saw the picture you posted

K: Yea and Erin i love that bandow

E: Thanks

J: Trying to change the subject nice 

A: It was my idea not to invite you guys cause you guys always say no

E: It's fine plus we were busy yesterday

KE: So why did you give below us off at lunch yesterday

J: You guys was busy eating each other faces so we went to the library

V: I told you they weren't avoiding us

E: I'll see you guys later she said as she walked off 

J: See you guys in class he said as he ran and catch up to her and he wrapped his arm's around her shoulders , babe it's okay to be upset or sad she's still your mom

E: No i give her too much chances babe I'm done so let's forget about it for now and we'll talk about it when we get home

J: Okay he said as they walked into the school

With the guys

K: We're bad friends

KE: Yeah now their not talking to us

V: You guys had been friends longer that's i have been with then and your leaving them out

A: Jay doesn't have time for use anymore money that he's with Erin

K: No were always making out and we and busy doing other stuff on a evening while they be studying and their gonna pass an not us

KE: We can still pass if we write a good essay

A: Don't like writing essay

V: Its not that bad and I'm gonna go talk to Erin , I'll see you class she said as she kissed Kevin's cheek then ran off

K: I have to pass English or my mom's gonna ground me or something

KE: Don't worry about her saying as they walked into the school

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