chapter 13

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The next morning

Erin got up early and went showed and got ready for school, took a selfie and send it to Jay then went down stairs to see her mom

E: Mom what are you doing here

B: I live here too sweetheart

E: Okay she said as she put down her bag and put her phone on the counter and went in the fridge and took out a juice

B: How's school going

E: Good

B: You have any friends

E: Yeah she said as she got a text and her mom saw the picture at the front of her phone

B: Who's that

E: Someone who care about me, I gotta go she said taking up her phone and bag

B: Sweetheart don't walk away from me

E: Mom i have school

B: Not for the next 2 hours ,I just wanna talk to you

E: What do you wanna talk about

B: Is he your boyfriend

E: Yes

B: He's cute

E: Yea

B: Does he make you happy

E: Mom why do you care

B: Cause your my daughter and i care about you

E: Yes he makes me happy the happiest I've been in 12 years but stop saying you care about me cause you don't not even when dad was alive mom you choose drugs over me and you keep doing it she said with tears in her eye's

B: Sweetheart I'm sorry

E: I'm tried if hearing those words she says as she walked out the door

With Jay

He got up got ready for school brushed hair and then took up his phone and bag then went down stairs

J: Good morning mom and dad

C: Good morning sweetheart

H: Good morning son

J: Why are you still here dad

H: Can't i have breakfast with my family

J: Yea he said siting down next to him as Camille hand him his breakfast and he got a text

C: Is that Erin

J: Adam he said picking up this phone

A: Hey

J: Hey

A: Where all hangout at my place after school you wanna come and ask Erin if she wants to come too

J: I'll ask Erin and My parents and I'll tell you at school

A: Okay see you soon

J: See you


Then he saw the picture Erin sent

J: Good morning😊

J: Cutie hairstyle😍

He got no reply so he put down his phone and Hank saw

H: What's wrong

J: Nothing Adam wanna know if me and Erin would come over after school you hang out with the rest

C: Go you guys deserve to have some fun

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