Chapter 43

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They went back over to Erin's and all sit and eat their breakfast

C: Sweetheart we have to go in town to get olive a gift and couple things for your camp

JU: Okay

C: You guys wanna come

J: We have so writing today and it would be fun for you two to spend some time together

JU: Yea a mother and son day

C: Okay let head home and get ready and Erin thanks for breakfast

E: Your welcome she said just before Camille and Justin left

J: We're finally alone he said as he pulled her onto his lap

E: What have gotten into you

J: Well the universe is pulling me to you he said before he kissed her and she kissed back then pulled away

E: Whats do you wanna do

J: Well we could go back to bed and cuddle or get back to writing

E: I like the first option better

J: Me too he said getting up and Erin wrapped her legs around Jays waist as he carried her upstairs and into her room and dropped her on her bed making her giggle as he layed down next to her

E: what

J: Your just so perfect babe

E: Nobody is perfect

J: You are

E: If you say so she said cuddling in to Jay's side just as her phone ring and she picked it up cause it was a video call from Vanessa

E: Good morning
V: Morning
J: Don't you have anything else to do and stop interrupting my cuddle time
V: Good morning to you too Jay
J: Good morning
V: Girl why is he so grumpy aren't you giving him any
E: Vanessa
V: I'm just saying plus you not getting any younger
E: I'm not old Vanessa
V: I never said you are but something else is catching cowweb
E: Why did you call
V: To see if i can come over cause my mom and dad have to go to work
E: Yea
V: Thanks your the best
E: I know
J: Call Kevin and tell him to come to cause i don't wanna be stuck In a house with two girls
V: Your still their
J: Yes
V: Okay see you guys soon
J: Bye she said wrapping his arm round erin and kissed all over her face
E: Babe stop
V: Bye she said as she hang up

J: i Should have done that  from the beginning

E: Then you won't get this she said as she lean over a and kissed him and he kissed her back then pulled away

J: you know kisses aren't always gonna work

E: Then I'll find something else that will she said getting out of bed

J: What

E: Nothing now come on they should be heLlre soon )

J: I really wanted to spend today with you just us

E: I'm sorry

J: No your not

E: Yes i am she said getting on the bed then lay down on top of him while holding his face in her hands

J: Show me how sorry you are

Erin kissed behind his ear and then his neck and his lips

E: I love you babe

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