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"Can anyone tell me the layers of the skin?" Professor Peterson asks, looking around at the raised hands of a few students.

After being in her class for 3 weeks now, I know that she will call out students who aren't raising their hands so that everyone will have class participation. Not only calling those who repeatedly recite. 

Her dark eyes unfortunately landed on me, and she gave me a smile as she called out my name. Tapping my shoes against the floor, I began to answer.

"The layers of the skin are the epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis." She raised her eyebrow, waiting for me to continue. Again, she doesn't like simple answers. If she asks a question, she expects you to give a description or at least try. 

"The epidermis is the outermost layer of the skin; it is made up of a stratified squamous layer of epithelial tissues, while the dermis provides structural support for the epidermis and is made up of fibrous connective tissues, glands, and sensory nerves. The hypodermis is the subcutaneous layer."

"That's right, thank you, Aiden. Anyone who wants to add to that?" 

I smiled to myself after seeing another proud smile from her. It makes me feel good. This is the reason why I study a lot. It feels nice when the professors appreciate and praise you. 

Huh, maybe I am a teacher's pet. I think to myself after remembering Julius calling me that a few days ago. 

Turning to him, he was already looking at me with an 'I told you so' expression. I shrugged my shoulders at him and went back to listening to Professor Peterson. 

After 3 hours straight of class, we are finally dismissed.

"For next week, we will talk about the skeletal system, bones, and bone structure, which will be the last topic included in the preliminary examination," she said before dismissing us. 

I waited for everyone to leave the room while Julius waited for me outside, approaching Professor Peterson, who was busy doing something on her laptop. She looked up as I neared her.

"Good afternoon, Professor," I said first. She gave me a questioning look. "I wanted to ask whether the test you mentioned the other day will be continued." 

"Ah, that. Yes, Aiden. I'll give the test before the preliminary exam to prepare the class, possibly next week."

"That's all I wanted to know; thank you, Professor." I smiled slightly. "Get home safe."

"You, too, Aiden." She smiled up at me, waving as I exited the door. Making the shiny ring on her finger noticeable. 

A wedding ring.

I frowned to myself, wondering why she's only wearing it now. She wasn't wearing any for the past few weeks. 

Well, it's none of my business.

Julius wasted no time placing his arm around my shoulders and pulling me back to my dorm room, where Lexie and Zoey are already waiting. Once we finished our school work for the day, we immediately played games. 

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