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"I think I need a job," I grunted, letting the barbell go and stretching my arms. Julius sat up from his bench press, turning to face me. 
"What kind of job?" 
I shrugged. "I think I want to try babysitting again; I had an experience during high school." Although the parents of the kids are actually friends with mine.
"Can't be me; children are tiring."
"They are, but they're also very adorable. Admit it," I teased, having seen him looking at kids whenever we got out with a look of adoration in his eyes. 
"Didn't say they weren't," Julius chuckled. "But it's not in my mind yet, especially Lexie. Besides, we have all the time in the world to make our own little family."
"You want to marry her?"
Julius raised his brow at me as if I had just asked a dumb question. "Of course, I date to marry. I enter relationships hoping to find someone I can spend loving for the rest of my life. I don't date for experience." 
I smiled proudly at him. Not meeting many people with the same mindset. Julius reminded me of my dad whenever I asked him why he married mom. My parents' love for each other is so pure that I sometimes wonder if my father really did love Mama. Because if he had, he wouldn't have done what he did to us. If he loved his family, he wouldn't hurt us. But he did, so I wonder if it's actually love that he felt before he became an abuser. 

"You're a fucking disgrace to this family!" He spat, his hand gripping my arms tight. I whimpered, looking down to avoid his hateful gaze.
"Thomas!" Mama's scared voice echoed into the hall as she quickly rushed to my side, pushing Papa away from me. "What the fuck are you doing to our daughter?!"
His eyes widened and his nose flared upon hearing what Mama called me. 
"Daughter? Did you just call that fucking freak a daughter?" He laughed sarcastically. "You know what? This is your own fault for encouraging him. Now look at this! He's wearing fucking girl clothes!" 
"Because she is! She's still our daughter, Thomas! When will you learn to accept that?" 
"He's not my fucking child."
"I really wish she wasn't yours!" Mama screamed at him. His action next caused a loud gasp from Mama's mouth. His hand landed on the side of her face, leaving a large red mark. 
"Mama!" I cried, covering her body. 
His eyes widened, also shocked at what he just did. But it soon turned to anger upon seeing me. "You deserved that for not raising him right."

"You ready to go?" Julius asked after we got out of the shower. I nodded, cursing at myself for reminiscing about that horrible memory. It was the start of his abusive ways. 
Forget about it, Aiden. You're okay now. He's not here. 
We went back to campus; Lexie and Zoey were already waiting for us in our dorm room. While they hung out, I chose to stay in my room and finish my remaining homework before the start of the afternoon class. Not in the mood to be in anyone's presence after that memory. 
Putting on my relaxing playlist, I began working on my laptop.
————— - ————— - —————
"Good work, Aiden," Professor Peterson complimented as she handed me my paper from the pre-test we did two days ago. 
I blushed. "Thank you, Professor." She smiled at me before continuing to pass the papers to the others. 
Julius high-fived me after seeing that we both got a high score. 
"Since next week will be the preliminary exam and we already discussed the last topic included, I will give the remaining time of my class for you to make a reviewer and scan your notes," Professor Peterson then announced as she sat down, earning cheers from my classmates. She chuckled. "Quiet down and do your work. If you're confident enough to not review now, feel free to do anything; just be quiet."
Julius, who likes cramming—unlike me, who doesn't do well under pressure—decided to talk with the other guys. I, on the other hand, took the opportunity to make a reviewer for the upcoming examination. 
Tapping my pen against the desk, I raised my head to look at Professor Peterson. As always, she looked more beautiful than ever, with perfect hair, an elegant outfit, and a graceful posture. I wonder how she does it. 
Her nose would crinkle whenever a person made a mistake on her test, but the edge of her lips would curve up when they got the questions right. She would leave a note for every student, words of encouragement for those who failed, and praise for those who passed. 
My note for today made me happy again. 
Good job, Aiden. Keep it up :) 
My eyes then widened when she suddenly looked up from grading papers, eyes meeting mine. Instead of scolding me for staring, the sides of her mouth curled up, giving me a dazzling smile. My cheeks reddened once again, loving the way she smiles at me. 
I went back to my task, feeling a tingling in my stomach once again. 
Why am I always hungry?
————— - ————— - —————
Placing the last flyer on the bulletin board, I turned to face Zoey, who helped me put it up again as it was taken down yesterday for some reason. 
"Thank you for the help, Zoey." I smiled down at her. 
"No problem." She then pulled my hand towards the parking lot because I promised to treat her to ice cream for helping me, and she said she liked it. 
The shop isn't far from the campus; it's only a 5-minute walk. It was near the park where Julius and I would start our warm-ups before going for a jog. 
As soon as we ordered, Zoey led me back to the park, where we sat on a bench. I sat quietly, enjoying the dessert. 
"I have a question, if you don't mind me asking," Zoey broke the comfortable silence. I gave her a nod. 
Please don't ask about my penis
I silently prayed because, as much as I am glad they are cool with that part of me, I'm still not comfortable with the topic. And I don't think I ever will.
"Have you ever been in a relationship?" 
Oh, thank goodness.
I shook my head. "I haven't, never really tried. Why?"
Zoey then blushed. "N-Nothing; I was just curious." She shrugged nonchalantly. "Would you want to? You know, be in a relationship."
I thought of her question. Would I want to be in a relationship? It's not that I'm not open to it; it's just that I never thought of being in one. No one has ever been close to me that lasted even a month as a friend. I never had the opportunity to try or have the chance to like someone and be liked. And my priority has always been my family, so it never crossed my mind.
Who would even love me that way?
"I don't know," I answered honestly. "Have you been in a relationship?" I asked instead to keep the conversation going.
She nodded. "I have. Only one though. Dated this guy during my senior year for at least 5 months, I think."
"Why'd you break up? If you don't mind me asking." I added the last part in case it's a sensitive topic. 
Zoey smiled gratefully. "It's cool. We broke up when he became a bit aggressive towards me, constantly pushing me around, slamming me against the wall whenever he's angry, and gaslighting me. I didn't notice I was being treated so badly when Lexie saw what was happening and confronted him about it. I broke up with him the next day."
I clenched my jaw in anger, my mind imagining a guy putting his hands on Zoey's frail body. It's the same as my father. His huge, calloused hands land hard hits on my mama's body every time he gets drunk and mad. Although the hits were mostly for me, she would use her body to protect and shield me from him.
"I'm sorry you had to go through that; no one deserves to be treated that way. You're amazing, Zoey. And you should be treated the way you deserve to be." I hesitated, but decided to go for it and put my hand on hers to let her know that I'm here. 
"Thank you, Aiden." She interlaced our hands together, squeezing my hand. "I actually want to–"
Her sentence was cut off when my phone started ringing. I shot her an apologetic look before asking for permission to take the call. She gave me a nod.
Standing up, I took a few steps away from her to take the call. A man's voice could be heard at the end of the line. 
"Hello, is this Aiden Guevarra?" The man questioned.
"Yes, this is she," I answered a bit excitedly, already thinking this was a customer willing to take my service for babysitting. 
"I saw your poster on the university's bulletin board about babysitting."
Yes! I was right. I'll have a job!
I talked with the man named Tristan for a bit before we came to an agreement to meet at his place tomorrow afternoon for further discussion of my service. He gave me his address and contact number. 
Placing my phone back in my pocket, I looked back at Zoey, who was waiting for me patiently. I didn't know if I should announce it, as she just told me about her problem, and I didn't know if it would be appropriate. 
"Who was it?" She asked when I approached. 
Touching my nape, I answered. "Someone wants me to babysit."
Upon hearing the news, Zoey's eyes lit up and she suddenly wrapped her arms around my eyes, hugging me and effectively rendering my movement. When she noticed my reaction, Zoey immediately retracted, her cheeks a deep red.
"Sorry, I got excited."
"It's okay," I said shyly. "Thank you for helping me."
"Of course. When will you start?"
"Hopefully tomorrow, I'm excited." 
I can't wait to meet Sir Tristan's kid.


Votes and comments will truly be appreciated. Thank you for reading.


A/N: Decided to update because it's my birthday soon and this is my early gift to u guys :>

Hope u enjoyed <33

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