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It's Saturday already. Two days have already passed and my nerves are still present as I stand in front of my professor's house with a bouquet of pink tulips, a new medicine book and dessert. Not wanting to come here without bringing any gifts.

Mama always told me that it's rude to come to someone's house empty handed if you were invited.

I don't have any particular reason as to why I'm acting like this aside from the fact that I finally realized my feelings. Feelings I shouldn't be having in the first place.

I've been in this house countless of times, but it's all because I'm hanging out with Aaron, not for Professor Peterson. This time, I'm here for her. Or the food she's cooking for me. Because that's what she texted me about.

"You got this, Aiden. You'll just eat with her, not the first time."

I tried to calm my nerves and with a final deep intake of breathe, my hand moved to press the bell. Only a few seconds later when Mrs. Pat, their maid, came into the view after opening the gate.

"Good evening, Mrs. Pat," I said with a slight bow before I was guided inside the house. Almost immediately, the smell of something being cooked enveloped my nose. I then heard Aaron's voice rambling as another voice replied to his every question.

I made my presence known with a clear of my throat. Both turned around at the sound. Raising my free hand, I gave a little wave and a smile.

"Good evening, Miss. Evening, Aaron."

Aaron wasted no time running towards me, we did our handshake after I placed the stuff I'm holding down for a few seconds.

I handed him the book that he requested from me days ago. Professor Peterson shook her head upon seeing it but says nothing when she saw Aaron's smile. I know she told me to not buy gifts for Aaron, but technically, he made me buy this. I didn't do it voluntarily.

"Thank you, Aide! You're the best."

"Welcome, bud," I messed his hair playfully.

"Mom's cooking food for us, Aiden," he grinned and pulled me closer to his mother.

"Good evening, Aiden. Are those for me?" She gestured to the flowers and dessert.

Shyly, I nodded. "I didn't want to come empty-handed."

Smelling the pink tulips which I knew were her favorite thanks to Aaron, Professor Peterson gave me a wide and beautiful smile. "Thank you, darling. They're lovely."

"What's this purple thing, Aiden?" Aaron asked curiously.

"That's the one I told you about, one of my favorite Filipino desserts, ube halaya." I placed the food down. "Wanted you guys to try it, I promise it won't disappoint."

"Did you make this?" She asked, examining the food. I nodded. "Smells good."

"It's pretty easy to make, I could teach you," I said without any thought. "Only if you want, of course," I rushed out after, blushing.

"Can't wait," a smile was given to me before the beauty turned back to cooking. "You two sit down and wait for me to finish."

We obliged, deciding on telling Aaron more about Filipino cuisine who listened attentively, also telling me about some of his favorites from different countries.

After a few minutes have passed, Professor Peterson finished and served us, but only after successfully making me sit down when I insisted on helping her. With pursed lips, I let her out food in my plate.

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