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"This isn't a part of your job, Aiden. I'll do it." Professor Peterson insisted on doing the chores, telling me to rest up and play with Aaron instead. 
"It's fine, it's not much. Besides, I think you're the one who needs to rest, and I'm pretty sure Aaron isn't done discussing his day." We both turned to look at Aaron, sitting patiently in the living room, already preparing the chess board he and his mom like to play together. 
Although reluctantly, Professor Peterson let me do what I wanted, thanking me once again before going to her son. I heard her say she's going to change first. Once she was gone, I turned to Aaron, giving him a thumbs up. 
The boy immediately grinned. "Thank you, Aiden."
"Of course." I smiled, winking at him. His grin widened before he went back to fixing up the board. 

"Aiden, are you my friend? Or are you just hanging out with me because dad pays you to do so?" Aaron asked in the middle of playing. My eyes widened at the question. 
"Hey, we're friends, bud. Your dad pays me to take care of you, and that doesn't include hanging out. I could just feed you, make you read your book, and mind my own business, but I'm not. I think you're a great kid, and being your friend is fun," I said honestly. I do really like spending time with the kid; there's nothing wrong with befriending someone his age. Besides, he doesn't really act like he's 10. 
His dark brown eyes lit up, making me smile. "Really?" I nodded. "I guess I can trust that you're telling me the truth." 
"I would never lie about that," I assured him, happy that he believed me. Although one thing got me both curious and a bit concerned: why does he think that way? "I do have a question, though." I waited for his signal before proceeding. "What made you ask that?" 
It took a few seconds of him just staring at the board before looking back at me with a timid smile, something I'm familiar with. It's the same smile I would wear whenever people asked me where my real mother was.
"I don't know; I guess it's because I never really had a friend before. You're my first," he started to explain, my heart breaking for him after every word. "The kids at my school don't really like me, although I don't understand why. Then mom and dad are always busy with their jobs. I do know why they have to work; it just gets lonely sometimes." 
Even though I've just been babysitting Aaron four times, I only saw Sir Tristan on my first day. After that, the maid says he's always at work. For Professor Peterson, I've encountered her twice only because their maid went home early for those times and I had to watch over Aaron until she got home. 
"I think that's why dad always hires a sitter for me, so I could have someone to hang out with. But you're the only one who actually seemed genuine. So thank you for being my friend." Not being able to stop myself, I pulled the teary boy into my arms. He was stiff at first before gradually relaxing and hugging me back. I then felt his tears sipping through my shirt as the little boy in my arms cried quietly. 

After comforting him, he told me how much he misses both his parents but couldn't tell them because he didn't want to make them feel guilty. Aaron also added the fact that they're always tired every time they get home, so instead of asking for their time, he chooses to let them rest. 
That's when we came up with the plan to both give his mom a nice night and have her spend time with him while resting. 
"Oh wow, how long has it been since we last played?" I heard Miss Peterson's voice, snapping me out of my thoughts. 
"Not too long," her son answered, smiling still. "Ready to lose?" 
I went on with cleaning up the kitchen as the mother and son played their game. But the scene I just saw lingered in my mind. Reminding me of the times I would make Mama play games with me. 
Despite the good memories, some of my moments with my father also entered my mind. I went from being his favorite to the person he despised most in the world, according to him. We went from playing happily to cruel punishments and beatings. I couldn't even remember what my father looked like smiling anymore. His wide, blazing eyes, flared nose, and harsh mouth, along with his relentlessly big hands hitting me, are the only ones I remember. 
"Aiden!" The horrible thoughts stopped as a beautiful voice called my name. She was smiling, motioning for me to come over. "Come on, play with us." 
"Let's go against mom," the boy then said eagerly. 

————— - ————— - —————
"Get away from meee," Lexie whined, pushing her sweaty boyfriend away. "You stink."
"Duh, we went jogging. Of course, I'm gonna stink." Julius rolled his eyes, making me chuckle.
"Well, take a bath first before hugging me."
Julius mocked her before turning to me. "Come on, dude." 
I waved at Lexie and Zoey. "See you later."
Julius and I went our separate ways to take a bath, then met with the two other girls after. I stayed quiet as we went to the coffee shop near the university for breakfast. Tapping my foot, I scanned the menu. 
"Good morning." A brunette approached our table with a smile. "Hope at your service; what can I get for you?" 
We were about to say our orders when the door once again opened and a blonde woman with a stoic face entered, whom I recognized as one of the professors at our university. She sat by the corner, not even glancing at the menu as she sat elegantly. 
"Tim!" We turned to the waitress, who called for one of her coworkers. "Come here and get their order." 
The boy with red hair rolled his eyes, mumbling 'love birds' before replacing the girl and taking our orders himself. I then noticed the girl, whose smile became wider, approached the blonde woman. 
"Sorry about that. I'll be taking your orders." 
After having our breakfast, we all went to the mall for shopping. Aiden and I sat near the waiting room playing mobile games while the two tried clothes on. Although I identify as a woman, I don't wear clothes that are stereotypically what a woman would wear. My clothing consisted of hoodies, jackets, shirts, sweaters, flannels, some trousers, jeans, and sweat pants. I only wear shorts and boxers when I'm in the comfort of my own home. Although since my friends already know my situation, I sometimes feel confident enough to wear shorts whenever I sleep. 
"What do you guys think?" Zoey twirled around, wearing a short black dress with deep neck lace. 
"It looks beautiful on you," I said, with Julius nodding in approval. 
"You should get that." 
"Okay, I will," she smiled, going back into the dressing room. Lexie then came out, asking about our opinions as well. 
Once the two girls were satisfied with their outfits, it was my turn, along with Julius, to pick out clothes. 
"If you really want to compress that shit, I recommend this." Julius handed me a pair of black compression boxers. I didn't argue, as I actually needed help with it, and I took two more. 
As I was scanning for some hoodies, one in particular caught my attention. It was a Friends hoodie, the sitcom Aaron told me about. Deciding that it was within my budget for today, I bought one as a gift for the boy. 
"What are you buying a small ass hoodie for?" Julius questioned while we were on the counter to pay.
"For Aaron," I answered.
"Professor Peterson's kid?" I nodded. "Aren't they paying you to babysit him? Why are you using your money on the kid?" 
I shrugged. "It's just a gift." Julius squinted his eyes at me, but didn't pry any further and nodded instead. 
"You guys done?" Lexie and Zoey came back, holding a few more bags compared to earlier. We took the initiative to carry their things along with ours. 
I was walking behind them in silence when my eyes caught a certain woman walking in front of us. The same familiar dark curly hair, elegant poise, and beautiful smile. She was talking with another woman, someone I'm not familiar with. Maybe a friend? 
She must have felt someone staring at her as she stopped talking, her chocolate eyes meeting mine. Like always, the sides of her mouth curled up as I was given another one of her dazzling smiles. I gave her a small wave and a smile as my friends noticed her too and said hello. 
I was the last one to speak. "Hi, Professor Peterson." I then gave a little smile of acknowledgement to the other woman who returned it. 
"Hello, Aiden. Shopping?" She gestured towards the bags I'm holding. 
I nodded. "Where's Aaron?" 
"He's at school," she answered with a smile. After a few more non-intrusive questions from Julius and Zoey, Professor Peterson says her goodbye. "Anyway, we'll get going now. See you at school." 
"See you." Her soft hand touched my arm for a brief moment, leaving goosebumps on my skin. I blushed at the simple contact. 
When the two left, Julius looked at me in amusement. 
"Why are you blushing, Aiden?" He then wiggled his eyebrows playfully. "You crushing on our professor?" Lexie and Zoey both gave me teasing looks. 
"No," I scoffed. "It's just hot right now. Besides, I
admire her as a professor."
He chuckled. "Sure."
"No, really." 
"Of course."
"We believe you."


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