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A week.

I avoided any chance of interaction with Professor Peterson for a week straight. And not really to my surprise, she did too. I also haven't been hanging out with Aaron. I did gave an excuse to the boy. He messaged me saying someone new is babysitting him for now, but would wait for me to comeback after I'm done with my "exams" that's supposedly keeping me busy.

I don't know what kind of excuse Professor Peterson gave to her husband, because Sir Tristan haven't ask for me as well.

I expected this, although I do feel a bit disappointed. Still, it was my fault, despite not anything happening, I had the urge to do something very wrong and that already makes it my fault.

I almost kissed my married professor, fuck, I really am going to hell.

Oh g-d, I've been cursing a lot these days. Add that to the list of why I'm going to hell.

My mama and parents are going to kill me if they ever find out. Mom would kick me out of the house and my entire family would dishonor me.

Worse, they'll cut of my penis because apparently, I'm using the wrong head to think!

Or I'm just not thinking at all. Because what kind of sane person would do what I almost did?

I better find a new job now. Fast.

Despite the fact that I didn't want to, I forced myself to once again enter my last class for the afternoon. Her class. We didn't have to wait long for her to arrive, seemingly never late to her class.

Although a lot has happened, I was glad that she went back to her excellent teaching. I guess our talk did help a bit. No more spacing out during lecture, no more mistakes and no more complains from her students.

Professor Peterson really is a good instructor.

I kept my mind occupied with listening to her lecture and fortunately, it did help me a little.

What's unfortunate is when Professor Peterson suddenly called my name after she dismissed us.

"Miss Guevarra, mind staying back? I need to talk to you about something." I fidgeted with the strap of my bag, not meeting her eyes but still facing her way. 

"I...uh, my friend–"

Julius tapped my shoulder. "It's fine, Aiden. Stay back, I'll be going first."

I widened my eyes at him, trying to signal that I don't want him to leave but he decided to be a dumbass for today and instead gave me a weird look. "Are you sure you're okay with leaving first?" I emphasized.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Take your time, bud. Bye now, don't keep our Professor waiting."

"Bye," I gritted my teeth. "Take care on the way home."

"Aw, that's sweet, thanks!" The dumbass said before leaving.

"Stupid prick," I muttered under my breath.

With heavy feet, I marched up to my professor's desk.

"Hi, Miss."

"Can we talk?"

I gulped. "O-Of course."

————— - ————— - ——————

Arms curled and wrapped around my neck, body pressed so close against mine that it almost made me forget how to breathe. Smooth and warm hands slid up my shirt, tracing the outline of my abs as soft lips took nips at my pulse point.

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