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"Where are you going, baby?" I asked with a frown when Aiden moved to open the door.

She showed me her phone. "My tita texted me, chief gave mama a pass to video call me again. I'm just going to the guest room to talk to her."

I bit my lip, nodding. "Alright, do you mind taking Aaron with you while I talk to them?" I asked, referring to the people waiting for me at the living room.

Aiden grinned. "That's a good idea, I'll introduce him to mama. She's been so curious about Aaron."

I smiled and dropped the concealer, tiptoeing to plant a chaste kiss on her lips. "You do that."

As soon as Aiden left, I finished prepping my hair and went straight to the porch. Upon arriving, I saw the variety of food placed on the table, three people waiting for me. I chuckled lightly when I saw Tristan glaring at Bianca. I patted his back and sat down next to him.

"Quit glaring."

"I can't believe you didn't tell me," Tris said in disbelief.

The blue-eyed woman shrugged, unapologetic. "It wasn't my secret to tell."

"Still," he whined, making me scrunch my nose in disgust. Tristan then glared at me. "I'm your bestfriend, I can't believe you told Bianca first before me."

"Stop being a whiny bitch," I rolled my eyes. "She found out on her own, I didn't tell her."

"It was pretty obvious," Bianca interjected.

"No, it wasn't-wait," he frowned, thinking. "Oh my g-d, it was obvious!"

"I've been the longest bestfriend and you don't see me whining about it," Sydney, my brunette friend, said as a matter of fact, sipping her coffee.

"Oh my g-d, that time I went here to get my documents! You were with Aiden and she looks all flustered. She was covering her lap with a pillow. You two were totally making out that time," he pointed an accusing finger at me, eyes wide in shock. "Why was she even covering up? It's not like she has an erection."

Except she did.

All three of us chuckled at what Tristan said. Confused at our reaction, he raised a brow. G-d, he's really so oblivious sometimes.

"Aiden's intersex, babe," Bianca informed, earning another dramatic gasp from her boyfriend. "I'm surprised you didn't know."

"How did you know?" Tris pointed at Bianca then turned to Sydney. "And how did you? Like, what the fuck? Am I the only one clueless here?"

"It wasn't that hard to notice but Aiden did clarify it to me," Bianca answered.

Sydney shrugged. "We literally walked in on them, I saw it with my own eyes. I just assumed she's either intersex or trans."

"I didn't see it earlier, she moved too fast."

"Just admit you're blind and stupid as fuck," The brunette woman rolled her eyes at Tris.

I cleared my throat before Tris could say anything back, I didn't want them to start bickering yet when I have something important to ask. When I gained their attention, I finally spoke.
"I'm in no way asking for your permission or anything, but I just wanted to know what the two of you think."

It was Syd who spoke first. "You're a mature and smart woman, I trust your decision as long as it's not harming anyone. I think your bae's gorgeous and she honestly looks sweet, so I don't have any problem unless she hurts you."

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